Your letterEditorial Note: See V00947. denying the allegations said to have been made against me by yourself and others, was received some days since. Such messages come to us like the "still small voice," after the "strong wind", "the earthquake," and "the fire".
There remains one question needing explanation, however. When notified of the expulsion, I at once wrote the secretary, Mr. Linfield, viz:– "Will you kindly furnish me with the specific charges preferred?" To which he simply replied in the following words– "I would most respectfully refer you, (in answer to yours—,) to article 5, of Constitution SectionAs Written:Sec. I." [This letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., with others of more importance is preserved]. This was as much asand no more than to say that the specific charges preferred were those printed in the paragraph, referred to, or embraced therein. This passage reads, as you know;– "If any member violates the Constitution or BylawsAs Written:By-Laws, or if he or she departs from strict morality and rectitude", etc. What is desired is to know whether the action taken is based entirely upon what you term "maliscious malpractice", or partly upon other evident misconduct called a "departure from strict morality," etc., a reflection, (however made), liable to lead to serious results..
Now, it appears, without clearly defining the meaning of the expulsion, more has grown out of it than you intended, and those- (some)- not acquainted with my private life have been, wrongly impressed.
What is needed then as a first step to a possible amicable adjustment of this unfortunate matter, is a statement clearly defining what is meant As Written: ment by the word immorality as used by you (as president of the "C, S, A.") in my case, etc.
As to the correcting of any erroneous statements that may have come to your ears, said to have originated with me– I am ready to meet you or anybodyAs Written:any body to the end that such falsities may cease. In my present class your work- Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy- is my constant companion and hardly a day passes but what I speak of the great light you have been instrumental in developing.
I am,
Yours in the love of Truth