Accession: 250.40.001
Editorial Title: David Russell Ambrose to Mary Baker Eddy, April 9, 1876
Author: David Russell Ambrose 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 9, 1876
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by David Russell Ambrose on embossed lined paper from Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Archival Note: The envelope of this letter includes notations in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I address you and think of you as you were when I last saw you- nearly forty years ago– what old folks that makes us!– a frail, fair young maiden with transparent skin & brilliant blue eyes, cheerful, hopeful, enthusiastic; and such, having discovered the principle of eternal youth, you must be now, only robust & rosy instead of fair & frail.

By this you will doubtless understand that I have received your circulars, according to which you claim to have discovered truths of the highest importance to mankind. You may suppose I received the announcement with no small degree of astonishment, insomuch that I feared your reason was reeling. {I know you will not take offence at anythingAs Written:any thing I say.}

I am persuaded better things of you, although I thus speak. I have seen so many persons even of a high order of intellectual faculties mount a theory and ride it as a hobby into the wildest regions of vagary, that I have become somewhat shy of all claimants to novel discoveries. I would be most glad to know that all you say is true, for my family are in suffering need of being benefited by your power of healing. I lost a dear daughter nearly two years ago by internal melanic cancer. My wife has been very sick nearly all the time since on occasion of "turn of life," and she is still able to do hardly any work- suffering greatly from dropsy of the womb- under doctor's care. My son, 13 yearsAs Written:yrs. old, is afflicted with heart complaint, or something of the kind which the doctor does not pretend to understand. In regard to my own health, I have nothing to complain of, but, much to be thankful for.

Why didn't you send your photograph? I should really like to see what changes time has wrought in you. But, I forget. You are still my fair little cousin Mary. many thanks to "Science & Health."Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

Let me hear from you, and all about present circumstances– I mean, of course only so much as you may think would be of interest to me, and a pleasure on your part to give.

I would much like to see your Book of wonder, but do not feel able to at present having just received from the doctor a bill of between two & three hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $200 in 1876 is the equivalent of $5,064.86 in 2021. $300 in 1876 is the equivalent of $7,597.29 in 2021.. You wouldn't mind, I suppose, if I were to give it a little sifting, since you are probably by this time well accustomed to such usage.

If you have any family, please remember me to them; otherwise, take all love to yourself from Yours affectionatelyAs Written:affy
D. Russell Ambrose
[*]Archival Note: A typewritten version of this letter has been appended here.

MassachusettsAs Written:mass.
APR 11 [?] Unclear or illegible 
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyMiss Atkinson
Miss Kinsman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I address you and think of you as you were when I last saw you- nearly forty years ago– what old folks that makes us!– a frail, fair young maiden with transparent skin & brilliant blue eyes, cheerful, hopeful, enthusiastic; and such, having discovered the principle of eternal youth, you must be now, only robust & rosy instead of fair & frail.

By this you will doubtless understand that I have received your circulars, according to which you claim to have discovered truths of the highest importance to mankind. You may suppose I received the announcement with no small degree of astonishment, insomuch that I feared your reason was reeling. {I know you will not take offence at any thingCorrected:anything I say.}

I am persuaded better things of you, although I thus speak. I have seen so many persons even of a high order of intellectual faculties mount a theory and ride it as a hobby into the wildest regions of vagary, that I have become somewhat shy of all claimants to novel discoveries. I would be most glad to know that all you say is true, for my family are in suffering need of being benefited by your power of healing. I lost a dear daughter nearly two years ago by internal melanic cancer. My wife has been very sick nearly all th [?] Unclear or illegible e time since on occasion of "turn of life," and she is still able to do hardly any work- suffering greatly from dropsy of the womb- under doctor's care. My son, 13 yrs.Expanded:years old, is afflicted with heart complaint, or something of the kind which the doctor does not pretend to understand. In regard to my own health, I have nothing to complain of, but, much to be thankful for.

Why didn't you send your photograph? I should really like to see what changes time has wrought in you. But, I forget. You are still my fair little cousin Mary. many thanks to "Science & Health."Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

Let me hear from you, and all about present circumstances– I mean, of course only so much as you may think would be of interest to me, and a pleasure on your part to give.

I would much like to see your Book of wonder, but do not feel able to at present having just received from the doctor a bill of between two & three hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $200 in 1876 is the equivalent of $5,064.86 in 2021. $300 in 1876 is the equivalent of $7,597.29 in 2021.. You wouldn't mind, I suppose, if I were to give it a little sifting, since you are probably by this time well accustomed to such usage.

If you have any family, please remember me to them; otherwise, take all love to yourself from Yours affyExpanded:affectionately
D. Russell Ambrose
[*]Archival Note: A typewritten version of this letter has been appended here.

APR 11 [?] Unclear or illegible 
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyMiss Atkinson
Miss Kinsman
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Portsmouth, New Hampshire Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $200 in 1876 is the equivalent of $5,064.86 in 2021. $300 in 1876 is the equivalent of $7,597.29 in 2021. A typewritten version of this letter has been appended here.