Accession: 321.44.008
Editorial Title: Roger Sherman to Mary Baker Eddy, December 18, 1883
Author: Roger Sherman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 18, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Roger Sherman on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Editorial Note: Sherman is replying to a letter (not extant) dated December 13, 1883, that he received from Mary Baker Eddy. He tells her that he does not understand the envy and rivalry existing in Chicago that she speaks of in her letter. There are a number of people in Chicago working in Christian Science and doubtless there are the usual instances of envy that are to be expected due to erring human nature. But Sherman has seen no evidence that they have as yet assumed "malicious" proportions. Furthermore, Sherman has heard no slanders of Eddy in either Chicago or Milwaukee. In her letter, Eddy apparently told Sherman that Edward J. Arens had visited Chicago, and Sherman says that he had not heard that. He wants to know what Arens' visit means and also any further information about the activities of "Professor Charles," (possibly George B. Charles) since Sherman has not heard of him since Eddy's letter about him. Sherman reports on trying to find an article that Eddy believes has been published in the Chicago Tribune, but Sherman has been unsuccessful and thinks that if such an article actually appeared in the Tribune, he would have known about it. Sherman ends his letter by telling Eddy that he will be unable to come to Boston to attend her class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College this winter but hopes to avail himself of the opportunity as soon as he can.
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