Having completed our arrangements for future work and laid our plans for the advancement of the causeEditorial Note: Christian Science., you so ably As Written: abley represent. We now make known our wishes and desires.
We have taken a House at 53 North Ada St. which will be more central and convenient for our patients. – there therefore As Written: fore wish to have our CardsEditorial Note: The cards that Bradford and Roger Sherman enclosed with this letter are not extant. inserted in the “Journal of Christian Science” as enclosed. provided it meets with your approval.
Also we give you an Order for fifty sets As Written: setts of Books “Science & Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. as per your letter of Oct 25th 1883Editorial Note: See V00790. – stating price and conditions specified.
We have correspondence in the southern western and middle states. and with a little effort on our part. believe we can sell a good many BooksEditorial Note: Copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. as you desired we should.
We hear As Written: here of correspondence between “Proff C” and parties in Boston. evidently no friends to the causeEditorial Note: Christian Science. or yourself. but thanks to you, for your instructions. malicious thoughts and error can be me met As Written: t and successfully As Written: succesfully overcome.
We often recall to mind the profitable and valuable instructions received while at the College. and your untiring earnest efforts to lead us in the right way to truth through scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science..
Our patients are doing well since our return and we feel that they are well protected in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. against all that is malicious or devilish As Written: develish , in other words mortal error.
We anticipate much pleasure and profit by your contemplated visit to ChicagoEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884.. and trust there will be no interposition to prevent it. have mentioned to our friends that your intention is to come and hope we are not premature in statement.
in addition to the order for BooksEditorial Note: Copies of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. please send (500) Five hundred Circulars also send bill for inserting Cards in the “Journal” for one year in one bill C.O.D. we leave to your discretion the arrangement of enclosed Cards,
We wish to be remembered to all the members of your householdAs Written:house hold with Kind regards. Also to the association the earnest workers in Christian science.
In truth and harmony we subscribe ourselves