Accession: 321.44.061
Editorial Title: Martha E. Sherman to Mary Baker Eddy, June 10, 1884
Author: Martha E. Sherman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 10, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Martha E. Sherman on lined paper embossed with a pink rose, from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Eddy
My dear loved Teacher

A most welcome visitor greeted us all this morning. Shedding As Written: Sheding loving words from friendship’s As Written: frendships vast and holy shrine; Let me assure you our hearts welcomed your missiveEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. with loving hearts and open arms, many times on your Journey Home. We As Written: we thought of you and felt that our FatherEditorial Note: God who gave the flowers their As Written: there bloom and lent music to the lay of the timid bird. would remember you safely through life ebbing tide and anchor you safe at Home.

We all missed you so much It was a great pleasure and comfort to have you here in our midstsEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884. and when you left for your New England HomeEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts amid her treasures rarest but I must confess my sister and I felt a loneliness; we are selfish enough to want you with us: for your spirit reflects the light that streams from Heaven in all its glorious golden beams. The thought often comes to me: How very much we all are indebted to you. for the diffusion of the knowledge of your loved ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. You have taught so many the way to go out into the beautiful beyond. Where all its beautiful dreams of truths. and beauty. are realized; Immortality as a fact receives the assurance of Our consciousness and the fulfillment As Written: fulfilment of the promise of your blessed ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. which fill all true hearts with love and peace.

Your ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science has taken possession of many hereEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. who had no foundation of faith. It has unsealed the vision of their As Written: there mind Spiritually of those who otherwise were blind. Do not think your precious labors were vain in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois; for you have many warm and earnest As Written: ernest friends here who love and cherish you. for in this Christian Science you have pointed them to the Ark of Safety As Written: Safty : and given unto the world a ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. where its songs of harmony cannot but reach the hearts of all

The pleasant meeting we had together while your brief stay in Chicago often comes to mind and many times a longing will seize upon my sister and myself and wake in our hearts wild wishes for our absent and loved teacher; and we stretch As Written: streach out our arms, as if to fly with wings like a Bird that we might pour ourselves As Written: ourselfs out like the spirit of nature. over mountains. and valley. on the New England shore but we know thought seek thought by a silent communion. that is neither written As Written: writen or spoken. and when we all waken from this dream of life. to our true Home. the absent one who we yearn to meet. shall be folded to our bosom to be parted from us no more. As the ripples fall on the waves to the sea so will God’s blessings follow ever to my loved teacher

nothing would give me more pleasure then your picture; many thanks for your promise. I shall watch for its coming with joy and gladness: words fail to tell you how very much your picture will be prized by us all

Mr Sherman will write you soon. Your picture is all finished and will send it this week by Express. every one that has seen As Written: scene the picture calls it Mr Sherman masterpiece As Written: masterpeice It is full of love to you from us all; A lady from LawrenceEditorial Note: Lawrence, Massachusetts has been here writing the past week. and is very much interested in Christian Science. She is on her way home. In a few weeks is coming to see you. and take lessons when you open a class

As it is quite late my loved teacher and we have company in the parlor I will bid you good night with a kiss. wishing you continued and increasing prosperity in your noble mission Mr Sherman. and Roger. send their As Written: there best wishes and kindest regards also my sister send lots of love and a kiss and ever remember us as your your true and loving friends

Your loving Student
Mrs M E Sherman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Eddy
My dear loved Teacher

A most welcome visitor greeted us all this morning. Sheding Corrected: Shedding loving words from frendships Corrected: friendship’s vast and holy shrine; Let me assure you our hearts welcomed your missiveEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. with loving hearts and open arms, many times on your Journey Home. we Corrected: We thought of you and felt that our FatherEditorial Note: God who gave the flowers there Corrected: their bloom and lent music to the lay of the timid bird. would remember you safely through life ebbing tide and anchor you safe at Home.

We all missed you so much It was a great pleasure and comfort to have you here in our midstsEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884. and when you left for your New England HomeEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts amid her treasures rarest but I must confess my sister and I felt a loneliness; we are selfish enough to want you with us: for your spirit reflects the light that streams from Heaven in all its glorious golden beams. The thought often comes to me: How very much we all are indebted to you. for the diffusion of the knowledge of your loved ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. You have taught so many the way to go out into the beautiful beyond. Where all its beautiful dreams of truths. and beauty. are realized; Immortality as a fact receives the assurance of Our consciousness and the fulfilment Corrected: fulfillment of the promise of your blessed ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. which fill all true hearts with love and peace.

Your ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science has taken possession of many hereEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois. who had no foundation of faith. It has unsealed the vision of there Corrected: their mind Spiritually of those who otherwise were blind. Do not think your precious labors were vain in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois; for you have many warm and ernest Corrected: earnest friends here who love and cherish you. for in this Christian Science you have pointed them to the Ark of Safty Corrected: Safety : and given unto the world a ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. where its songs of harmony cannot but reach the hearts of all

The pleasant meeting we had together while your brief stay in Chicago often comes to mind and many times a longing will seize upon my sister and myself and wake in our hearts wild wishes for our absent and andAs Written:and loved teacher; and we streach Corrected: stretch out our arms, as if to fly with wings like a Bird that we might pour ourselfs Corrected: ourselves out like the spirit of nature. over mountains. and valley. on the New England shore but we know thought seek thought by a silent communion. that is neither writen Corrected: written or spoken. and when we all waken from this dream of life. to our true Home. the absent one who we yearn to meet. shall be folded to our bosom to be parted from us no more. As the ripples fall on the waves to the sea so will God’s blessings follow ever to my loved teacher

nothing would give me more pleasure then your picture; many thanks for your promise. I shall watch for its coming with joy and gladness: words fail to tell you how very much your picture will be prized by us all

Mr Sherman will write you soon. Your picture is all finished and will send it this week by Express. every one that has scene Corrected: seen the picture calls it Mr Sherman masterpeice Corrected: masterpiece It is full of love to you from us all; A lady from LawrenceEditorial Note: Lawrence, Massachusetts has been here writing the past week. and is very much interested in Christian Science. She is on her way home. In a few weeks is coming to see you. and take lessons when you open a class

As it is quite late my loved teacher and we have company in the parlor I will bid you good night with a kiss. wishing you continued and increasing prosperity in your noble mission Mr Sherman. and Roger. send there Corrected: their best wishes and kindest regards also my sister send lots of love and a kiss and ever remember us as your your true and loving friends

Your loving Student
Mrs M E Sherman
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Chicago, Illinois This letter is not extant. God Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884. Boston, Massachusetts Christian Science Christian Science Christian Science Chicago, Illinois Chicago, Illinois Christian Science Lawrence, Massachusetts