Accession: 347.47.003
Editorial Title: Charles A. S. Troup to Mary Baker Eddy, April 28, 1884
Author: Charles A. S. Troup 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 28, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Charles A. S. Troup on lined paper from Dorchester, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

My errand to you this afternoon was to see if you would recommend us to study with one of your students preparatory to studying with you: we are living and working in blind faith which you say is the worst of all.

When the time comes that we can enter your class we want to be prepared for it, and furthermore, if you were to have another class now as I expected, I could probably have the time as business is dull but as the future is so uncertain I want to have some understanding of “ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science” and get started in order as I told you at the first to have something to live by.

Mrs. Rand is in our neighborhood and was spoken highly of at the College as a healer, can you recommend her as a teacher: we should not wish to take this step if you were to have another class this season.

I should not care to have your students know of this as I have already mentioned it to one of them and understood that it could be done and should not want that person to know that we were going to another.

Do you think of having another class in Boston this season.

If you have time I should be pleased to hear from you

Truly yours
Chas AS Troup
9 WestAs Written:W. Cottage StreetAs Written:St.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

My errand to you this afternoon was to see if you would recommend us to study with one of your students preparatory to studying with you: we are living and working in blind faith which you say is the worst of all.

When the time comes that we can enter your class we want to be prepared for it, and furthermore, if you were to have another class now as I expected, I could probably have the time as business is dull but as the future is so uncertain I want to have some understanding of “ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science” and get started in order as I told you at the first to have something to live by.

Mrs. Rand is in our neighborhood and was spoken highly of at the College as a healer, can you recommend her as a teacher: we should not wish to take this step if you were to have another class this season.

I should not care to have your students know of this as I have already mentioned it to one of them and understood that it could be done and should not want that person to know that we were going to another.

Do you think of having another class in Boston this season.

If you have time I should be pleased to hear from you

Truly yours
Chas AS Troup
9 W.Expanded:West Cottage St.Expanded:Street
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Dorchester, Massachusetts Christian Science