Accession: 402.51.041
Editorial Title: Albert B. Dorman to Mary Baker Eddy, July 22, 1885
Author: Albert B. Dorman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 22, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Albert B. Dorman on printed stationery from Worcester, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

Again you have opportunity to, and are obliged to write me, for a wrong which I committed through ignorance alone, and from no bad intention. I will try and clear myself from at least some portions of it. In regard to receiving your student's students into the association I got my authority from BrotherAs Written:Bro. Buswell's circular and supposed it was so, until since I issued the little pamphlet, one of my students said BrotherAs Written:Bro. Frye told her only your students are received into the Asso. Will here say that I think if our students are found to be good, and with that desire to grow in this Truth and pass some examination by you they should be taken in. What can they call themselves? They can't be called Christian ScientistsAs Written:C.S. And we are in a sense using that as a trademark. Perhaps I may not be correct but it seems to me that we should be for enlarging our band with all the members we can get. (They should not be taken in at once after study, but after such time as the teachers considered them reliable, and by passing some necessary examination.) - In regard to giving a full collegiate course, I did not mean as you put it, therefore I am wrong, I of course meant the class from which all practitioners have commenced practice, I did not mean to misleadAs Written:mis-lead, or misrepresentAs Written:mis represent, my statement means more than I knew it did. - The untruths you remind me of, were not to me untruths, I know you are right, and I meant no wrong, and I not only ask your pardon, but feel very much grieved and ashamed that where I only meant right, that it proved wrong and another black mark against me. It makes me almost willing to drop it all, and give it up as not the place for me, and should I do so, believe me always one who would not do you harm, more than I would take my life. - Please be kind enough as I refer to BrotherAs Written:Bro. Buswell's circular not to have it cause any feeling towards me, in him I took it from him or his circular as good authority, and refer to him, simply to show that it was no intentional wrong or misrepresentation. Perhaps I may of said enough and will close, sincerely asking your pardon, I am ever

Yours Affectionate Student
A.B. Dorman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Teacher

Again you have opportunity to, and are obliged to write me, for a wrong which I committed through ignorance alone, and from no bad intention. I will try and clear myself from at least some portions of it. In regard to receiving your student's students into the association I got my authority from Bro.Expanded:Brother Buswell's circular and supposed it was so, until since I issued the little pamphlet, one of my students said Bro.Expanded:Brother Frye told her only your students are received into the Asso. Will here say that I think if our students are found to be good, and with that desire to grow in this Truth and pass some examination by you they should be taken in. What can they call themselves? They can't be called C.S.Expanded:Christian Scientists And we are in a sense using that as a trademark. Perhaps I may not be correct but it seems to me that we should be for enlarging our band with all the members we can get. (They should not be taken in at once after study, but after such time as the teachers considered them reliable, and by passing some necessary examination.) - In regard to giving a full collegiate course, I did not mean as you put it, therefore I am wrong, I of course meant the class from which all practitioners have commenced practice, I did not mean to mis-leadCorrected:mislead, or mis representCorrected:misrepresent, my statement means more than I knew it did. - The untruths you remind me of, were not to me untruths, I know you are right, and I meant no wrong, and I not only ask your pardon, but feel very much grieved and ashamed that where I only meant right, that it proved wrong and another black mark against me. It makes me almost willing to drop it all, and give it up as not the place for me, and should I do so, believe me always one who would not do you harm, more than I would take my life. - Please be kind enough as I refer to Bro.Expanded:Brother Buswell's circular not to have it cause any feeling towards me, in him I took it from him or his circular as good authority, and refer to him, simply to show that it was no intentional wrong or misrepresentation. Perhaps I may of said enough and will close, sincerely asking your pardon, I am ever

Yours Affectionate Student
A.B. Dorman
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