Accession: 479.54.006
Editorial Title: Kate I. Barker to Mary Baker Eddy, June 16, 1880
Author: Kate I. Barker 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 16, 1880
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Kate I. Barker on lined paper from Bethel, Maine.
Editorial Note: Barker tells Mary Baker Eddy that she has been studying Eddy's book, Science and Health, during the past few months and in it finds the path to health plainly laid out. She has for some time been a patient of George D. Choate and has been slowly but decidedly improving in health. She finds that her health improves in proportion to the clearness of her perception of the truth, but the false beliefs she has had for years are not easily put out of mind. She believes that the Christian Science method of healing is founded on truth, and her earnest desire is that she may gain a fuller understanding of it. Because of her reading of Science and Health, she feels drawn to Eddy and feels that she will sometime meet her. She tells Eddy that George Choate's patients in Bethel, Maine, are all gaining in health, and she believes that this fact is sufficient proof that Christian Science healing has validity.
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