Accession: 488.55.005
Editorial Title: Henrietta E. Day to Mary Baker Eddy, October 13, 1881
Author: Henrietta E. Day 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 13, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Henrietta E. Day on lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Day mentions calling on Rebecca W.Stackpole but she was asleep so she plans to visit another time. She also writes that she saw Clara E. Choate and got a good report of the most recent Association meeting. She says she will send the letter through "Miss Fairchild" since her last letter failed to reach Eddy. She is also waiting to hear Eddy's report from her students in Cincinnati, as Day is willing to go there if that is best for her. She says she does not know anyone in Ohio, but with a letter of introduction to her friend, Arthur T. Buswell, there she expects that she can get to work and do well. She is willing to go there or wherever Eddy thinks best. She also mentions a new place in Boston that she will move to, if Eddy feels she should stay and if the room is still vacant.
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