Accession: 488.55.007
Editorial Title: Henrietta E. Day to Mary Baker Eddy, October 16, 1881
Author: Henrietta E. Day 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 16, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Henrietta E. Day on lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Day thanks Eddy for her letter and mentions that she went right away to 779 Tremont Street and will take possession of a back parlor there the next day. She thinks this place will be satisfactory to Eddy, and she hopes Eddy will visit when she is in Boston as it is important for her to have Eddy's entire approval. She writes that she will take Eddy's advice and not take out any ads for now and will put her sign away for future reference. For now, she will rely on finding patients more quietly through friends and acquaintances. She writes that she had a long and interesting discussion with Rebecca W. Stackpole about metaphysics. She also mentions a call from George D. Choate, who told her that his wife had been successful in turning Edward J. Arens out of a second boarding place. She hopes to get some patients through Stackpole and Clara E. Choate. Day knows it will take time to establish her practice, but she is prepared to do the work, and she is satisfied with Eddy's guidance that she should stay in Boston.
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