July 17th 1885
Pardon me for my long silence, but I have been so much engaged, that I have not written anyoneAs Written:any one.
Perhaps it is not best for me to write you about the new booksEditorial Note: This is probably a reference to a revision of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures being prepared by Mary Baker Eddy., but Mr Campbell, has written Mr Frye, and we don’t As Written: dont get any answer. I am very anxious to see them, and I have promised several to my patientsAs Written:patiences, and every day or two, they ask me if the new books have come. One Lady is going away tomorrow, and she is very much disappointed As Written: disapointed at not receiving her copy sooner. Please let me know at once, when we can have them.
We are doing better now, but just as soon as get them well enough, they all go to the sea shore, I think in the fall, we will have all we can do.
Mrs Eddy, do you think I can heal an old lady about 60 years, of loss of sight (in belief?) Oh! I have so many questions I would like to ask you, but will put them off, till I see you, which I hope will not, be long.
Will it be asking too much, of you, to come & make us a visit in September, and give several lectures, or say preaching, while here, in some large hall? I think it would do the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. a great deal of good, if the people could see & hear you speak, but perhaps I am wrong As Written: wronge in my ideas.
Will the Association meet in August?
We would like to have attended the Pic-nic, as I would like to make the personal acquaintance of your very best students.
I had a letter from Mrs Fenn several weeks ago, and she had all she could do. and was wanting help. We just heard from Mr Howe, he is in Burmingham ConnecticutAs Written:Conn. and doing better there, than here.
We have not received our Journal for July yet.
Please pardon me for taking so much of your time. Give all my regards & acceptAs Written:except much love from me, & Mr Campbell, for your dear self.