⇉ Handshift:George F. ChapmanSpringfield, MassachusettsAs Written:Mass., June, 17 1885
I regret to trouble you while I am aware you are continuously pressed with enquiries As Written: enquirys and calls still I am much at sea in a matter of contributing to the work of Christ and often I am impressed that rather than putting As Written: puting in my might with the Baptist church who so much oppose our believe I aught to place it elsewhere and I somehowAs Written:some how cannotAs Written:can not enjoy the preaching it seems in many instances that they are crucifying himEditorial Note: Jesus Christ afresh. Is this because I am not right at heart and am only laboring under prejudice.
My wife has a large correspondence in the W.S and among them is one poor lady who has been sick for years, and she mentioned in one of her letters her trouble. When my wife replied As Written: replyed she copied As Written: coppied some of your work and this lady now writes I have given up my Doctor and am trusting my masterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ for help please As Written: pleas send me some of your Journals if you have any, thus you see the work is going on and we shall send you her name with one dollarAs Written:doller [*]Editorial Note: $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.49 in 2020. enclosed when I return home so she may have something to feed upon.
Trusting I may hear from you at an early date I remain