Accession: 563.59.009
Editorial Title: C. F. Morrill to Mary Baker Eddy, August 2, 1884
Author: C. F. Morrill 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 2, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by C. F. Morrill on his lined printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
We shall try to elect BrotherAs Written:Bro Roger Sherman 1st Vice PresidentAs Written:Presd.
My Dear Sister Eddy:

A meeting was held at the home of Dr. Avery the 31st Present as follows

Mr. & Mrs. Dr. AveryEditorial Note: Samuel J. Avery and Olive L. Avery

Messrs. SmithWickersham & Morrill

Madams Gesdefeld, Philbrick, Bickerford, Beecher, Brown and Noyes.

Dr Avery gave us your kind messageEditorial Note: This message is not extant. which was cheering indeed. I read all your letters and everyone As Written: every one present desired a copy of the instructionsEditorial Note: These instructions are not extant. you recently sent us.

It was voted to form an association to be a branch of the home Asso. The Sec’yAs Written:Secretary was instructed to order 15 copies of the Constitution & By-Laws of the “Christian Scientist Association

Please send by early mail. Will remit when bill is received.

The Sec’yAs Written:Secretary was also requested if we may elect you as President and the first Vice President As Written: " act as President at our meetings.

Is it your rule and wish that only your Students become members of our branch. For instance one who has recently studied with DrEditorial Note: Possibly Samuel J. Avery. might be a worthy Christian Scientist.

Our next meeting and election of officers occurs on Aug. 14th. The By-Laws are desired early that they may be well considered before that meeting. All send love.

Sincerely As Written: Sincerly Yours
C.F. Morrill
Sec’yAs Written:Secretary.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
We shall try to elect BroExpanded:Brother Roger Sherman 1st Vice Presd.Expanded:President
My Dear Sister Eddy:

A meeting was held at the home of Dr. Avery the 31st Present as follows

Mr. & Mrs. Dr. AveryEditorial Note: Samuel J. Avery and Olive L. Avery

Messrs. SmithWickersham & Morrill

Madams Gesdefeld, Philbrick, Bickerford, Beecher, Brown and Noyes.

Dr Avery gave us your kind messageEditorial Note: This message is not extant. which was cheering indeed. I read all your letters and every one Corrected: everyone present desired a copy of the instructionsEditorial Note: These instructions are not extant. you recently sent us.

It was voted to form an association to be a branch of the home Asso. The SecretaryExpanded:Sec’y was instructed to order 15 copies of the Constitution & By-Laws of the “Christian Scientist Association

Please send by early mail. Will remit when bill is received.

The SecretaryExpanded:Sec’y was also requested if we may elect you as President and the first Vice " Corrected: President act as President at our meetings.

Is it your rule and wish that only your Students become members of our branch. For instance one who has recently studied with DrEditorial Note: Possibly Samuel J. Avery. might be a worthy Christian Scientist.

Our next meeting and election of officers occurs on Aug. 14th. The By-Laws are desired early that they may be well considered before that meeting. All send love.

Sincerly Corrected: Sincerely Yours
C.F. Morrill
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Samuel J. Avery and Olive L. Avery This message is not extant. These instructions are not extant. Possibly Samuel J. Avery.