Accession: 568.59.011
Editorial Title: Edwin R. Robbins to Mary Baker Eddy, May 18, 1882
Author: Edwin R. Robbins 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 18, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Edwin R. Robbins on lined paper from Middleboro, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Business is detaining me from the "Nursery" where I could get a supply of funds sufficient to meet my indebtedness to you. I will however now send you what little I have by me, and will remit the balance As Written: ballance as soon as I return. If you will send a receipt for this to Mrs S E Robbins 8 Broad St Lynn you will greatly oblige

Yours with Respect
E R Robbins
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Business is detaining me from the "Nursery" where I could get a supply of funds sufficient to meet my indebtedness to you. I will however now send you what little I have by me, and will remit the ballance Corrected: balance as soon as I return. If you will send a receipt for this to Mrs S E Robbins 8 Broad St Lynn you will greatly oblige

Yours with Respect
E R Robbins
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Middleboro, Massachusetts