Accession: 568.59.012
Editorial Title: Edwin R. Robbins to Mary Baker Eddy, June 21, 1882
Author: Edwin R. Robbins 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 21, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Edwin R. Robbins on embossed lined paper from Lynn, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Robbins refers to a letter, dated June 13, 1882, that he received from Mary Baker Eddy. The letter is not extant. He also received a letter from Arthur T. Buswell, containing two bills for rent he owes. He tells Eddy that he has been laboring under a misconception regarding his payment of rent for Eddy's house at 8 Broad Street, Lynn, Massachusetts. He was expecting to receive a bill for the rent, but he has discovered it is customary to pay rent without a demand for it being sent, and he will govern himself accordingly in the future. He encloses the rent payment demanded in the letter from Buswell. He closes by expressing sympathy regarding the death of Eddy's husband, Asa Gilbert Eddy, and asks that Eddy be consoled by the fact that he led a good and true life.
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