Accession: 659B.70.044
Editorial Title: C. H. Cotton to Arthur T. Buswell, March 14, 1883
Author: C. H. Cotton 
Recipient: Arthur T. Buswell 
Date: March 14, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by C. H. Cotton on embossed lined paper from Cambridgeport, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Cotton is replying to a letter (not extant) she received from Arthur T. Buswell. Buswell apparently asked her who wrote an article titled "Mental Healing" that appeared on March 10, 1883, in the Cambridge Chronicle. The article said that Mary Baker Eddy is the founder of mental healing. Cotton tells Buswell that she is the one who wrote the article as a result of having contact with Eddy and wishing she could do something to further Eddy's cause. She felt that the Cambridge Chronicle would be an excellent venue for such an article as it is the oldest newspaper in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and enjoys wide circulation. She suggests that Buswell could write an article for the Chronicle, commenting on hers.
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