Accession: 697B.81.030
Editorial Title: Eliza Newton to Mary Baker Eddy, April 23, 1884
Author: Eliza Newton 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: April 23, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Eliza Newton on lined paper from West Roxbury, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: Includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans Apr. 25

Will you kindly permit me to ask you a direct As Written: dirict question As Written: queston when I first explain myself As Written: my Self I am the patient As Written: Pation that Dr Buswell has treated for a Cancer off and on 13 months I am no better today As Written: to day than I was a year ago As Written: a go at this time now my question As Written: queston when you Practiced did you ever treat a Cancer and Cure the patient As Written: Pation you know As Written: now it is Said they As Written: thay are never cured Some time ago As Written: a go I Called on you to See if I Could Study ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science you Said I Could not while I was Suffering and you advised a Change of StudentEditorial Note: Eddy likely advised Newton to drop the Christian Science practitioner (healer) who was treating her and engage a different one. afterwards I Called on Dr Buswell and talked with him about As Written: a bout it and decided As Written: desided to let him take it up again As Written: a gain but I got So much worse I gave him up I imagine if he had not brought up mesmerism so often he might done better by me I am afraid As Written: a fraid of mesmerism and I don’t As Written: dont know As Written: now what it is Either

hoping you will kindly recognize my poor plea

I remain your humble As Written: umbel Servant As Written: Servent
Mrs Alvin M Newton
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered Apr. 25

Will you kindly permit me to ask you a dirict Corrected: direct queston Corrected: question when I first explain my Self Corrected: myself I am the Pation Corrected: patient that Dr Buswell has treated for a Cancer off and on 13 months I am no better to day Corrected: today than I was a year a go Corrected: ago at this time now my queston Corrected: question when you Practiced did you ever treat a Cancer and Cure the Pation Corrected: patient you now Corrected: know it is Said thay Corrected: they are never cured Some time a go Corrected: ago I Called on you to See if I Could Study ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science you Said I Could not while I was Suffering and you advised a Change of StudentEditorial Note: Eddy likely advised Newton to drop the Christian Science practitioner (healer) who was treating her and engage a different one. afterwards I Called on Dr Buswell and talked with him a bout Corrected: about it and desided Corrected: decided to let him take it up a gain Corrected: again but I got So much worse I gave him up I imagine if he had not brought up mesmerism so often he might done better by me I am a fraid Corrected: afraid of mesmerism and I dont Corrected: don’t now Corrected: know what it is Either

hoping you will kindly recognize my poor plea

I remain your umbel Corrected: humble Servent Corrected: Servant
Mrs Alvin M Newton
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Christian Science Eddy likely advised Newton to drop the Christian Science practitioner (healer) who was treating her and engage a different one.