Accession: 716A.87.011
Editorial Title: Charles W. Taft to Mary Baker Eddy, March 29, 1886
Author: Charles W. Taft 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 29, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Charles W. Taft on his lined printed stationery from Brooklyn, New York.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Yours of the 26th inst.Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. is before me, and for your kind suggestion, most generous offer, and letter of introduction to Mr and Mrs CampbellEditorial Note: J. Allen Campbell and Lysbeth L. Campbell, please accept my sincerest thanks.

Will try my best, to send You, a select few to teach, for the character of students, referred to in Your letter, are much needed in BrooklynEditorial Note: Brooklyn, New York, at the present time. Mrs Alice May, a student of Miss Newman, is teaching here. Mrs Stuart of Hyde Park, visits WilliamsburgAs Written:Williamsburgh, (now called the Eastern District of Brooklyn,) twice a year and teaches classes. Mrs butler, a student of E. J. Arnes, is teaching here. Mrs Sillsbee, teaches next Fall, and then there is a Mind Cure School, in Williamsburg, of which I wrote Mrs Leavitt, not worth mentioning. among all these, JudasesAs Written:Judase's, Waifs, and Marines, I am fighting for "Christian Science", single handed and alone.

I have always intended to go through the "College", and have the pleasure of meeting You face, to face, and learning more, and more of this glorious "Truth".

My practice As Written: practise is increasing every day among the best people of Brooklyn. If I should leave here now even for three weeks, they would all go over to the "Maimes". I would not have You think for a moment, that money. Would keep me here for not one third of my practiceAs Written:practise, are paying patients, but they are good christian ladies, that go out and talk this Truth, and will help the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. and me in the future.

Perhaps by Fall, there will be other ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists here, and by that time I will be prepared to pay my tuition, as I would much prefer doing so, in the meantimeAs Written:mean time will try and send You students. I shall regard Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. strictly confidential, and if at any time I can give You any information as to how the work is progressing here, will gladly do so.

Very Respectfully.
Charles W. Taft. C.S.

If possible please send me the name of a good Christian ScientistAs Written:C. S. in PhilaEditorial Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. C.W.T.

(The enclosed cardEditorial Note: This card is not extant. was handed to me, I know nothing in regard to it. C.W.T.)

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Yours of the 26th inst.Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. is before me, and for your kind suggestion, most generous offer, and letter of introduction to Mr and Mrs CampbellEditorial Note: J. Allen Campbell and Lysbeth L. Campbell, please accept my sincerest thanks.

Will try my best, to send You, a select few to teach, for the character of students, referred to in Your letter, are much needed in BrooklynEditorial Note: Brooklyn, New York, at the present time. Mrs Alice May, a student of Miss Newman, is teaching here. Mrs Stuart of Hyde Park, visits WilliamsburghCorrected:Williamsburg, (now called the Eastern District of Brooklyn,) twice a year and teaches classes. Mrs butler, a student of E. J. Arnes, is teaching here. Mrs Sillsbee, teaches next Fall, and then there is a Mind Cure School, in Williamsburg, of which I wrote Mrs Leavitt, not worth mentioning. among all these, Judase'sCorrected:Judases, Waifs, and Marines, I am fighting for "Christian Science", single handed and alone.

I have always intended to go through the "College", and have the pleasure of meeting You face, to face, and learning more, and more of this glorious "Truth".

My practise Corrected: practice is increasing every day among the best people of Brooklyn. If I should leave here now even for three weeks, they would all go over to the "Maimes". I would not have You think for a moment, that money. Would keep me here for not one third of my practiseCorrected:practice, are paying patients, but they are good christian ladies, that go out and talk this Truth, and will help the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. and me in the future.

Perhaps by Fall, there will be other ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists here, and by that time I will be prepared to pay my tuition, as I would much prefer doing so, in the mean timeCorrected:meantime will try and send You students. I shall regard Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. strictly confidential, and if at any time I can give You any information as to how the work is progressing here, will gladly do so.

Very Respectfully.
Charles W. Taft. C.S.

If possible please send me the name of a good C. S.Expanded:Christian Scientist in PhilaEditorial Note: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. C.W.T.

(The enclosed cardEditorial Note: This card is not extant. was handed to me, I know nothing in regard to it. C.W.T.)

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This letter is not extant. J. Allen Campbell and Lysbeth L. Campbell Brooklyn, New York The cause of Christian Science. Christian Scientists This letter is not extant. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania This card is not extant.