Accession: 942.92.026
Editorial Title: Albert B. Dorman to Calvin A. Frye, February 12, 1886
Author: Albert B. Dorman 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: February 12, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Albert B. Dorman on his lined printed stationery from Worcester, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

This Mrs. Dr. Worthing whom I wrote you aboutEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. has proved to be a bigger fraud under the cloak of religion than I thought she was. I send you enclosed one of her billsEditorial Note: This bill is not extant.. She got into my class through a very devoted Christian and I have Cried at this great mistake – She pled As Written: plead poverty and I took her and this other woman for the smallest sum I ever received from any student, so you can see that money did not tempt me to take her, She did play the part of the devil, to such a degree as to get in, but I ought to gone by my first impression and I never would of taken her. She told me she was from the West, but she belongs in BrocktonAs Written:Brocton, MassachusettsAs Written:Mass. She is not poor as she claimed, but owns As Written: ownes a house in BrocktonAs Written:Brocton, and I understand that she is the proprietor of three tea stores in different placesEditorial Note: Clara A. Worthing’s son, William R. Worthing, co-owned The Atlantic Tea Company in Brockton with Anthony E. Mayo. I suppose. You will see that she uses the Word Mass Metaphysical Institute in place of Worcester to confound people and make them think she is from the College. I have wrote Miss Josie Tyler of Portland- Maine, and also notified the Chief of Police of Portland. She should be published in the next Journal.

When I heard bad reports of her before she left this city, I sent for her to come to me, but she would not. You can see her motive was bad from the first. But I will spoil her little game in Portland. Don't As Written: Dont fail to post the public in the next Journal in regard to her. A Special circular ought to be sent out but I don't As Written: dont know as you would think well of it. She has no credentials from me and my only recommend is this letter.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

This Mrs. Dr. Worthing whom I wrote you aboutEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. has proved to be a bigger fraud under the cloak of religion than I thought she was. I send you enclosed one of her billsEditorial Note: This bill is not extant.. She got into my class through a very devoted Christian and I have Cried at this great mistake – She plead Corrected: pled poverty and I took her and this other woman for the smallest sum I ever received from any student, so you can see that money did not tempt me to take her, She did play the part of the devil, to such a degree as to get in, but I ought to gone by my first impression and I never would of taken her. She told me she was from the West, but she belongs in BroctonCorrected:Brockton, Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts She is not poor as she claimed, but ownes Corrected: owns a house in BroctonCorrected:Brockton, and I understand that she is the proprietor of three tea stores in different placesEditorial Note: Clara A. Worthing’s son, William R. Worthing, co-owned The Atlantic Tea Company in Brockton with Anthony E. Mayo. I suppose. You will see that she uses the Word Mass Metaphysical Institute in place of Worcester to confound people and make them think she is from the College. I have wrote Miss Josie Tyler of Portland- Maine, and also notified the Chief of Police of Portland. She should be published in the next Journal.

When I heard bad reports of her before she left this city, I sent for her to come to me, but she would not. You can see her motive was bad from the first. But I will spoil her little game in Portland. Dont Corrected: Don't fail to post the public in the next Journal in regard to her. A Special circular ought to be sent out but I dont Corrected: don't know as you would think well of it. She has no credentials from me and my only recommend is this letter.

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This letter is not extant. This bill is not extant. Clara A. Worthing’s son, William R. Worthing, co-owned The Atlantic Tea Company in Brockton with Anthony E. Mayo.