Now my dear Student I will say more I was not dressed when your girl called. Do not feel that all I say is not for your good for it is.
The mesmerists have beaten As Written: beatten again, only because the move was not made sooner and more quietly
A wardrobe never hindered me from doing Christ's work, nor all my demands here. If I had the right male student to go with me I would start at an hour's warning of God for any place. Your patients need not have detained your, clothes were of no importance. But the move to have been made in ChicagoEditorial Note: Choate was going to make a visit to the Chicago, Illinois and Milwaukee, Wisconsin areas, as there was a growing interest in Christian Science there, but she did not end up making the trip. just when I said was of infinite moment.
But the delay and telling your intentions sent Arens there, and what is the result? The sale of my bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is stopped, the students that had sent me their names to study will not come (had letters yesterday) etc. etc.
This is the whole of the disaster in all cases, ― that my student will not accept in time my advice As Written: advise, or take only a part of it.
What could a general do in a fight with such soldiers or officers? it would defeat every battle, and so it is doing. Last summer As Written: sunner after I beat them at law, Miss Bartlett defeated half the good that would have been done by it. . I shall never, under the control the mesmerists have of my students, carry out a full victory. How many times I say O, if only I had not a single student I should have not a single enemy that it was anything to conquer. I am speaking of the cause not myself as an individual The only reason I take students now is in the hope of getting one that will remedy the others. Now do not sell your tickets, wait until I say again go, and then start and go just where God tells me to have you and great good can be done by going.
Will you do this no! then do not say that you take my advice As Written: advise