Last eve Mrs. Crosse read your letter to me, written to her. Your misrepresentation of what I wrote you, was very wrong and you must have known this. If only you would ask yourself am I doing as I would be done by, you would take the first step towards breaking the effect of mesmerism on you, fanning into a flame all the evil of your nature, that I have tried tenderly seven years to extinguish. You told others I was not willing you should lecture, when I was trying to get you to lecture in the Coll.; had advised you to quit outside for a little because you had told me how they had treated As Written: treatted you in your lecturing places. You have told I am jealous of your popularity when you know I have tried to promote it and did this so long as I thought you walked worthily. I asked you to try teaching, but when I took your pupils I found your mental influence, not your words, had done them an injury that I could not repair at once.
Your sensuality and untruthfulness have their effect, although you think them out of sight. That was the only reason I asked you to stop teaching―and never have told this before to a mortal; if to you I said, you are not yet good enough to teach this was the reason why. Only now I tell you this, hoping it will help you to meet those two killing errors and destroy them. But this you never can do unless you commence by telling the exact truth, and rising above the flesh. You are turning your aged Mother into darkness by hiding from her your sins, then asking her to treat you to save you from just what they bring on you. You are deceiving your husband in just this way, and they both are imputing to others just what you alone are responsible for. My students whom I meet are not trying to injure you and if you try to kill me and them I shall never hurt you and council others not to do it. The mental malpractice that for years you have been accused of, and I have had my Church and Association broken up by defending you from the allegements of my students, I now have ample and awful proof of; I said in my letter to you to the effect that if you would break us up again I should chose between you and the Christian students and save all I could. But you repeat me as saying very differently from that You had no reason to try and injure your teacher as you have been doing at times and I have known it for the past year. With your promise to me to reform and be a Christian, and my prayers to you to do this scarcely As Written: scarcly uttered, you begin anew the same course and audibly and mentally try to stop some who had given their names to me to join my Church; all this I can prove Mrs. Gookins is one of this number and you have prevented her joining by the misrepresentations you made to her. I have never justified my students in any bickerings, have defended you as long as my conscience would let me and only speak the truth of you now, because you drive me to it in order to do justice to the church and my own character . Now my dear student will you not before you make for yourself more suffering stop now, and do as your better resolves have pointed out. It is those enemies of your peace and prosperity, Arens and Kennedy, who are prompting you to this quarrel As Written: quarel God help you
P. S. I have written honestly and frankly I hope others will be as honest―then some good might come out of this trying hour