Accession: L04077
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Clara E. Choate, August 5, 1880
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Clara E. Choate 
Date: August 5, 1880 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Student,

YoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. rec'dEditorial Note: received. Am pleased to learn you "hold the fort" Hope your lives will be your best sermons that others seeing them will be led to Truth

The articles my husband left please hand to Mr. Howard. We have notified all to address 10. Atherton St.Editorial Note: This is the address of James C. Howard, who was corresponding regularly with Mary Baker Eddy and Asa Gilbert Eddy while the Eddys were spending July and August of 1880 in Concord, New Hampshire., it is their omission I am very happy, my dear husband has time to take care of himself and me too now and we are blest. The only annoyance is the malpractice of certain students who are mental thieves, this I shall attend to—Unless it is stopped I shall publish a pamphlet stating the different kinds of malpractice which disqualify a student of Christian Science for practicing successfully

Hoping you will have all the students at your next meeting and build up in Truth

I am truly
M B G Eddy

P. S.

Love to Mr. Bancroft I have had an opportunity to attend to myself a little since coming away and now have mastered one part of this earth-problem In all the different malpractices I now see first the individual that comes to me or my husband before they go further So one step follows another of light in this glorious path if we walk in the lightI John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.



Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Student,

YoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. rec'dEditorial Note: received. Am pleased to learn you "hold the fort" Hope your lives will be your best sermons that others seeing them will be led to Truth

The articles my husband left please hand to Mr. Howard. We have notified all to address 10. Atherton St.Editorial Note: This is the address of James C. Howard, who was corresponding regularly with Mary Baker Eddy and Asa Gilbert Eddy while the Eddys were spending July and August of 1880 in Concord, New Hampshire., it is their omission I am very happy, my dear husband has time to take care of himself and me too now and we are blest. The only annoyance is the malpractice of certain students who are mental thieves, this I shall attend to—Unless it is stopped I shall publish a pamphlet stating the different kinds of malpractice which disqualify a student of Christian Science for practicing successfully

Hoping you will have all the students at your next meeting and build up in Truth

I am truly
M B G Eddy

P. S.

Love to Mr. Bancroft I have had an opportunity to attend to myself a little since coming away and now have mastered one part of this earth-problem In all the different malpractices I now see first the individual that comes to me or my husband before they go further So one step follows another of light in this glorious path if we walk in the lightI John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.



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Mountains This letter is not extant. received This is the address of James C. Howard, who was corresponding regularly with Mary Baker Eddy and Asa Gilbert Eddy while the Eddys were spending July and August of 1880 in Concord, New Hampshire.