Accession: L04080
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to George D. Choate, March 3, 1880
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: George D. Choate 
Date: March 3, 1880 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Student

I have delayed writing hoping to see Mr Brown before I answered your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. and open up his wife's case through his mind I saw him only at the breakfast table and there were too many thoughts about the table to give me a fair chance but if I have another chance I will improve it, and do the best in my power for you.

One thing is sure, if the case is unreal to you, you can make it unreal to her, and vice-versa. Look upon the right side and have more fight in you, more indignation at such an imposition as disease; You look at things too materially, you gather yourself in the thought of Life, Substance and Intelligence in matter, too insensibly, your patient mesmerizes As Written: mesmerises you instead of you them.

One thing is sure, you cannot teach ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science except from a spiritual basis, and it is dangerous to try otherwise. I am convinced now, that I never had but one Student but I could have carried on to Christianity, had it not have been for the continual counter effort K--y was making to turn them into perdition One thing please bear in mind, to add one more noble deed to the one you have already done, and get her that was E. M W. (now in ScotlandEditorial Note: Emma Ware was not living Scotland, but her sister, Sarah Ware, had married and moved there. Eddy is either confusing Emma and Sarah Ware here, or it is possible that Emma was visiting Sarah in Scotland at this time.) word to look out for K.'s mesmeric control that he will try on her to make her yield to his wishes; and another measure that he will take, and that is to get itEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy’s biographer, Robert Peel, speculates that “it” may refer to manuscript material possibly originating with Phineas Quimby or Eddy during the period when she was Quimby’s patient. See Robert Peel, Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Trial (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 1971), 129. through a third party into his hands

Love from my husband

Truly yours
M. B. G. E.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Student

I have delayed writing hoping to see Mr Brown before I answered your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. and open up his wife's case through his mind I saw him only at the breakfast table and there were too many thoughts about the table to give me a fair chance but if I have another chance I will improve it, and do the best in my power for you.

One thing is sure, if the case is unreal to you, you can make it unreal to her, and vice-versa. Look upon the right side and have more fight in you, more indignation at such an imposition as disease; You look at things too materially, you gather yourself in the thought of Life, Substance and Intelligence in matter, too insensibly, your patients mesmerises Corrected: mesmerizes you instead of you them.

One thing is sure, you cannot teach ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science except from a spiritual basis, and it is dangerous to try otherwise. I am convinced now, that I never had but one Student but I could have carried on to Christianity, had it not have been for the continual counter effort he K--y was making to turn them into perdition One thing please bear in mind, to add one more noble deed to the one you have already done, and get her that was E. M W. (now in ScotlandEditorial Note: Emma Ware was not living Scotland, but her sister, Sarah Ware, had married and moved there. Eddy is either confusing Emma and Sarah Ware here, or it is possible that Emma was visiting Sarah in Scotland at this time.) word to look out for K.'s mesmeric control that he will try on her to make her yield to his wishes; and another measure that he will take, and that is to get itEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy’s biographer, Robert Peel, speculates that “it” may refer to manuscript material possibly originating with Phineas Quimby or Eddy during the period when she was Quimby’s patient. See Robert Peel, Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Trial (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 1971), 129. through a third party into his hands

Love from my husband

Truly yours
M. B. G. E.
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This letter is not extant. Christian Science Emma Ware was not living Scotland, but her sister, Sarah Ware, had married and moved there. Eddy is either confusing Emma and Sarah Ware here, or it is possible that Emma was visiting Sarah in Scotland at this time. Mary Baker Eddy’s biographer, Robert Peel, speculates that “it” may refer to manuscript material possibly originating with Phineas Quimby or Eddy during the period when she was Quimby’s patient. See Robert Peel, Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Trial (Boston: The Christian Science Publishing Society, 1971), 129.