Accession: L08107
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Cynthia C. Childs, February 7, 1884
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Cynthia C. Childs 
Scribe: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: February 7, 1884
Manuscript Description: Copy of a letter by Mary Baker Eddy, handwritten by Calvin A. Frye as scribe.
Related Topic: L02511Click link to view L02511 document in new window, L02530Click link to view L02530 document in new window, 025B.10.011Click link to view 025B.10.011 document in new window, 025A.10.040Click link to view 025A.10.040 document in new window
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Student,

I have not had leisure sufficiently until today, since I received As Written: recieved your photograph as a holiday gift, to thank you for it, which I do most sincerely and if ever I have one of my own will send you one in return if desired. I respond to the kind wish of yours by a sincere wish that every succeeding year of your life shall be more blessed. Your request to withdraw from the Association was read yesterday I did not know until then it had been sent in

The Association and Church will conduct, and has conducted, all the three applications of your family to withdraw, without any interference of mine whatever. I have withheld even counsel As Written: council as to how the matter should be adjusted owing only to the fact that when I tried to make it easy for one of them, my efforts were misinterpreted and a letter written to me that stopped any further As Written: farther efforts by me for one that I have served and assisted every opportunity for seven years. I counseled As Written: counciled her to take no advice of mortals, not even her mother or husband but go to God for all help in her sore trial. That is what I have done when I have profited most by affliction, hence I did as I would be done by. She misinterpreted me. She could not have misunderstood me. No disrespect was intended you I have never seen in you any cause for it.

I hope God will keep the poor child by His own forbearance from all future suffering and prosper her in every good word and workII Thess 2:17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work. .

Your faithful Teacher
M. B. G. Eddy

A true copy attest

C. A. Frye

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Student,

I have not had leisure sufficiently until today, since I recieved Corrected: received your photograph as a holiday gift, to thank you for it, which I do most sincerely and if ever I have one of my own will send you one in return if desired. I respond to the kind wish of yours by a sincere wish that every succeeding year of your life shall be more blessed. Your request to withdraw from the Association was read yesterday I did not know until then it had been sent in

The Association and Church will conduct, and has conducted, all the three applications of your family to withdraw, without any interference of mine whatever. I have withheld even council Corrected: counsel as to how the matter should be adjusted owing only to the fact that when I tried to make it easy for one of them, my efforts were misinterpreted and a letter written to me that stopped any farther Corrected: further efforts by me for one that I have served and assisted every opportunity for seven years. I counciled Corrected: counseled her to take no advice of mortals, not even her mother or husband but go to God for all help in her sore trial. That is what I have done when I have profited most by affliction, hence I did as I would be done by. She misinterpreted me. She could not have misunderstood me. No disrespect was intended you I have never seen in you any cause for it.

I hope God will keep the poor child by His own forbearance from all future suffering and prosper her in every good word and workII Thess 2:17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work. .

Your faithful Teacher
M. B. G. Eddy

A true copy attest

C. A. Frye

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