Accession: L08651
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to James C. Howard, September 1880
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: James C. Howard 
Date: September, 1880
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined paper.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

You have one or two things in your memory of last eve to laugh over I should enjoy seeing you and talking them over

Please say to the gentleman with whom I conversed the evening I passed at your house I commence a class next Monday at 3 P. M. and would like very much to have him for a pupil give me a reply to this matter before then perhaps he will call and see me. The true heartedness of that man is a grand elementary for a ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist, and he would relieve your loneliness in this new department of experience. Love to your wife a kiss for the sweet "wee ones"

Truly Yr's
M B G Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

You have one or two things in your memory of last eve to laugh over I should enjoy seeing you and talking them over

Please say to the gentleman with whom I conversed the evening I passed at your house I commence a class next Monday at 3 P. M. and would like very much to have him for a pupil give me a reply to this matter before then perhaps he will call and see me. The true heartedness of that man is a grand elementary for a ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist, and he would relieve your loneliness in this new department of experience. Love to your wife a kiss for the sweet "wee ones"

Truly Yr's
M B G Eddy
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Christian Scientist