Accession: L08661
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to James C. Howard, August 10, 1880
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: James C. Howard 
Date: August 10, 1880
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined paper.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Perhaps I was not plain enough in writing. I expected from your prior letterEditorial Note: See 284.42.004 you was going to work on "optics" that could be done in Lynn if you could leave Boston; but Dick demoralized the very soil of Lynn for healing, and keeps up his attacks there yet. He never affected my business a particle but he is supposed to the students

I wait to hear, I have almost lost all courage since they can take your wife into such a mood of doubt, with what she has already seen. You could have gone as much beyond the one you name, for a practitioner as heaven is above earth, but if they are going to govern wives, parents, and children, I can say and do no more I pity you more than I can tell, and can see no way you could do better unless you gain the full confidence of your wife by showing her you have full confidence in yourself

Of course she will hate me unless her eyes are opened, but that can do me no harm if I have done her good. I had hoped they would spare her, but she has the more reason to pity you and us and take your side; just as you could have helped yourself and gone into a large practice to have all a man's rights stricken down without cause, is unendurable. They knew you had the elements of success far beyond them and that was why they did as they have done It will never answer now to think of living together. They have arranged the Geo. Allen program to get us together and then try to make your wife hate me and then she can make you think I have done something wrong possibly. None of this is either of you, or at all like you. I only tell you his plot once before under just such circumstances; but if I never see her again you will know I have said nothing to wrong or wound.

This is my only defense As Written: defence to give no chance. Before I went to—they were my warmest friends and we bore everything and more too silently, a part of the time, the rest of the time we explained but did that save the result? No! They have put you in a place where they mean to sport with your agonies and say aha! Where is God? How long is this going on? Let us be self-reliant As Written: selfreliant . For this time, Good by dear student, good by, May God help you, and you help yourself. I want to tell you much that I cannot. They see our letter but I defy them to harm us.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Perhaps I was not plain enough in writing. I expected from your prior letterEditorial Note: See 284.42.004 you was going to work on "optics" that could be done in Lynn if you could leave Boston; but Dick demoralized the very soil of Lynn for healing, and keeps up his attacks there yet. He never affected my business a particle but he is supposed to the students

I wait to hear, I have almost lost all courage since they can take your wife into such a mood of doubt, with what she has already seen. You could have gone as much beyond the one you name, for a practitioner as heaven is above earth, but if they are going to govern your [?] Unclear or illegible  wives, parents, and children, I can say and do no more I pity you more than I can tell, and can see no way you could do better unless you gain the full confidence of your wife by showing her you have full confidence in yourself

Of course she will hate me unless her eyes are opened, but that can do me no harm if I have done her good. I had hoped they would spare her, but she has the more reason to pity you and us and take your side; just as you could have helped yourself and gone into a large practice to have all a man's rights stricken down without cause, is unendurable. They knew you had the elements of success far beyond them and that was why they did as they have done It will never answer now to think of living together. They have arranged the Geo. Allen program to get us together and then try to make your wife hate me and then she can make you think I have done something wrong possibly. None of this is either of you, or at all like you. I only tell you his plot once before under just such circumstances; but if I never see her again you will know I have said nothing to wrong or wound.

This is my only defence Corrected: defense to give no chance. Before I went to—they were my warmest friends and we bore everything and more too silently, a part of the time, the rest of the time we explained but did that save the result? No! They have put you in a place where they mean to sport with your agonies and say aha! Where is God? How long is this going on? Let us be selfreliant Corrected: self-reliant . For this time, Good by dear student, good by, May God help you, and you help yourself. I want to tell you much that I cannot. They see our letter but I dont care I defy them to harm us.

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