Accession: L09048
Editorial Title: Plaintiff's Bill of Particulars of First Count, September 1877
Author: Ives & Lincoln, Attorneys at Law,   Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 1877
Manuscript Description: The body of this document is handwritten in unknown handwriting on lined paper. The interlineations in the margin are in Mary Baker Eddy's handwriting. See the image of the original document to best view marginalia.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Essex ss. Superior Court

September Term 1877.

Barry [*]Editorial Note: Barry had brought a lawsuit against Mary Baker Eddy in March 1877.


Glover. [*]Editorial Note: Glover was Mary Baker Eddy's name from her first husband, before she married Asa Gilbert Eddy on January 1, 1877.

Plaintiff's Bill of Particulars of First Count

And now comes the plaintiff & declares the following to be a bill of particulars of the first five items of the first count of his declaration.

By his attys.

Ives & Lincoln

Lynn Mass. Jan. 23rd 1877.

Mrs. Mary M. B. Glover To George W. Barry

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (copying, transacting business etc.) during the year 1871, to wit: copying MSS. for classes, (1) had but one class in 1871 and helping to arrange the construction of some of the sentence; copying MSS. (2) Ask him if he ever wrote for print without asking me to examine and correct? of book entitled Science & Health (3) This book was not commenced until Jan. 1872 so far as I can trace and aiding in the arrangement of capital letters bosh! and some (4) I had to erase his changes and made him stop them of the grammatical constructions. 520.00Editorial Note: $520 in 1877 is the equivalent of $11895.38 in 2015.

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (Copying, transacting business etc.) during the year 1872 (5) had one class only in 1872 to-wit: copying MSS. of book entitled Science & Health; copying MSS. for classes; copying Peter Sim's Statement; copying Mrs. Glovers replies to W.W. Wrights newspaper articles; copy MSS. entitled "A Summary of Science" (6) 4 pages moving her goods from the tenement on S. Common Street Lynn ie disposing of some at the auction room (7) sold 4 good tables for less than $2.00Editorial Note: $2 in 1877 is the equivalent of $45.75 in 2015. , storing others in my uncle's barn (8) it ruined my sofa and storing trunks and goods at my father's house; clearing up the rooms paying rent for the same, in short—attending to all the business of moving while Mrs. Glover was out of town. attending to displaying her present of Bible and Concordance (9) he and other students gave it to me and he managed the matter in Orcutt's window on Market Street; searching for tenements in Lynn, Concord Mass. and Boston; attending to her financial business ie. withdrawing monies from Boston Savings Banks, going to Boston to Mrs. (10) he never did it she is in Lynn Chas. Winslow to get U.S. Coupon Bonds taking in my care two mortgages one to Edwin Fuller the other to Chas S. Ingalls. 520.00.

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (Copying transacting business etc.) during the year 1873 to-wit: copying MSS. of book entitled Science and Health copying MSS. for classes (11) I taught no class from the Spring of 1872 until 1875 aid in moving; attention to financial matters (12) I had no financial matters but the two mortgages I was not doing business ie care of mortgages, collecting U.S. coupons and depositing money in the West Boston Savings Bank. 520.00.

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (Copying transacting business etc.) during the year 1874, to-wit: copying MSS. of book entitled Science & Health (13) at this time he was getting it printed by his contract with the printer (14) to whom he as the publisher talked of selling his license to print and publish going to New York once and to Boston several times; time spent in attending to the printing of book Science & Health, aid in moving. 520.00.

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (Copying transacting business etc.) during the year 1875 to-wit: aiding in buying and caring for the place #8 Broad St. (15) ask me how it was cared for! aiding in selection of carpets & furniture having charge of letting the house; (16) never attended to it helping to move, putting down carpets etc. and working in the garden; cancelled three mortgages and cared for the other one; drew money from the West Boston Savings Bank etc; aiding to secure publisher, going to New York once; reading proofs of book Science & Health and correcting error; (17) No! but in one instance of any valuecopying class MSS. 520.00.

Total 2600.00Editorial Note: $2,600 in 1877 is the equivalent of $59,476.90 in 2016. Court documents indicate the amount was $2,700, which is the equivalent of $61,764.47 in 2016..

Copy of B. of Part to 1st Ct;

George W. Barry


Mary M. B. Glover

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Essex ss. Superior Court

September Term 1877.

Barry [*]Editorial Note: Barry had brought a lawsuit against Mary Baker Eddy in March 1877.


Glover. [*]Editorial Note: Glover was Mary Baker Eddy's name from her first husband, before she married Asa Gilbert Eddy on January 1, 1877.

Plaintiff's Bill of Particulars of First Count

And now comes the plaintiff & declares the following to be a bill of particulars of the first five items of the first count of his declaration.

By his attys.

Ives & Lincoln

Lynn Mass. Jan. 23rd 1877.

Mrs. Mary M. B. Glover To George W. Barry

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (copying, transacting business etc.) during the year 1871, to wit: copying MSS. for classes, (1) had but one class in 1871 Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyand helping to arrange the construction of some of the sentence; copying MSS. (2) Ask him if he ever wrote for print without asking me to examine and correct? Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyof book entitled Science & Health (3) This book was not commenced until Jan. 1872 so far as I can trace Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyand aiding in the arrangement of capital letters bosh!Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddy and some (4) I had to erase his changes and made him stop them Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyof the grammatical constructions. 520.00Editorial Note: $520 in 1877 is the equivalent of $11895.38 in 2015.

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (Copying, transacting business etc.) during the year 1872 (5) had one class only in 1872 Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyto-wit: copying MSS. of book entitled Science & Health; copying MSS. for classes; copying Peter Sim's Statement; copying Mrs. Glovers replies to W.W. Wrights newspaper articles; copy MSS. entitled "A Summary of Science" (6) 4 pages Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddymoving her goods from the tenement on S. Common Street Lynn ie disposing of some at the auction room (7) sold 4 good tables for less than $2.00Editorial Note: $2 in 1877 is the equivalent of $45.75 in 2015. Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddy, storing others in my uncle's barn (8) it ruined my sofa Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyand storing trunks and goods at my father's house; clearing up the rooms paying rent for the same, in short—attending to all the business of moving while Mrs. Glover was out of town. attending to displaying her present of Bible and Concordance (9) he and other students gave it to me and he managed the matter Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyin Orcutt's window on Market Street; searching for tenements in Lynn, Concord Mass. and Boston; attending to her financial business ie. withdrawing monies from Boston Savings Banks, going to Boston to Mrs. (10) he never did it she is in Lynn Inserted by: Mary Baker EddyChas. Winslow to get U.S. Coupon Bonds taking in my care two mortgages one to Edwin Fuller the other to Chas S. Ingalls. 520.00.

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (Copying transacting business etc.) during the year 1873 to-wit: copying MSS. of book entitled Science and Health copying MSS. for classes (11) I taught no class from the Spring of 1872 until 1875 Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyaid in moving; attention to financial matters (12) I had no financial matters but the two mortgages I was not doing business Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyie care of mortgages, collecting U.S. coupons and depositing money in the West Boston Savings Bank. 520.00.

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (Copying transacting business etc.) during the year 1874, to-wit: copying MSS. of book entitled Science & Health (13) at this time he was getting it printed by his contract with the printer Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddy (14) to whom he as the publisher talked of selling the his license to print and publish Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddygoing to New York once and to Boston several times; time spent in attending to the printing of book Science & Health, aid in moving. 520.00.

[*]Editorial Note: Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. To services rendered (Copying transacting business etc.) during the year 1875 to-wit: aiding in buying and caring for the place #8 Broad St. (15) ask me how it was cared for! Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyaiding in selection of carpets & furniture having charge of letting the house; (16) never attended to it Inserted by: Mary Baker Eddyhelping to move, putting down carpets etc. and working in the garden; cancelled three mortgages and cared for the other one; drew money from the West Boston Savings Bank etc; aiding to secure publisher, going to New York once; reading proofs of book Science & Health and correcting error; (17) No! but in one instance of any valueInserted by: Mary Baker Eddycopying class MSS. 520.00.

Total 2600.00Editorial Note: $2,600 in 1877 is the equivalent of $59,476.90 in 2016. Court documents indicate the amount was $2,700, which is the equivalent of $61,764.47 in 2016..

Copy of B. of Part to 1st Ct;

George W. Barry


Mary M. B. Glover

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Barry had brought a lawsuit against Mary Baker Eddy in March 1877. Glover was Mary Baker Eddy's name from her first husband, before she married Asa Gilbert Eddy on January 1, 1877. $520 in 1877 is the equivalent of $11895.38 in 2015. Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. Numbered notes in original document are marginalia. $2,600 in 1877 is the equivalent of $59,476.90 in 2016. Court documents indicate the amount was $2,700, which is the equivalent of $61,764.47 in 2016. $2 in 1877 is the equivalent of $45.75 in 2015.