Accession: L09060
Editorial Title: Rental Agreement between Mary Baker Eddy and Edwin. R. Robbins, December 28, 1881
Author: Edwin R. Robbins 
Date: December 28, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Edwin R. Robbins on lined paper and signed by Robbins and Mary Baker Eddy, with Alice M. Sibley as a witness.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

This Agreement made this Twenty Eighth day of December A D 1881, Between Edwin R Robbins of Lynn County of Essex State of Massachusetts of the one part, and

Mrs Mary B G Eddy of Lynn County of Essex State of Massachusetts of the other part witnesseth As Written: witnessth

That the said Edwin R Robbins for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, agrees to store a certain lot of household furniture belonging to the said Mrs Mary B G Eddy in an attic room in house No 8 Broad St Lynn said room being a part of the property leased by said Edwin R Robbins, for the term of one year from Mrs Abbie H Whiting of CharlestownAs Written:Charleston Mass said lease to commence on the Fifteenth day of January 1882.

In consideration whereof the said Mrs Mary B G Eddy hereby agrees to grant unto the said Edwin R Robbins the use of certain other household furniture free of charge, a schedule of which is hereunto annexed. Said furniture, or any part thereof to be returned to said Mrs Mary B G Eddy or her legal representative by said Edwin R Robbins at any time when called for, a reasonable notice thereof being given

in as good condition as when received reasonable wear excepted

In witness thereof they have hereunto interchangeably set their hands the day above written

Edwin R Robbins

Mary B. G. Eddy

In presence of

Alice M. Sibley.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

This Agreement made this Twenty Eighth day of December A D 1881, Between Edwin R Robbins of Lynn County of Essex State of Massachusetts of the one part, and

Mrs Mary B G Eddy of Lynn County of Essex State of Massachusetts of the other part witnessth Corrected: witnesseth

That the said Edwin R Robbins for the consideration hereinafter mentioned, agrees to store a certain lot of household furniture belonging to the said Mrs Mary B G Eddy in an attic room in house No 8 Broad St Lynn said room being a part of the property leased by said Edwin R Robbins, for the term of one year from Mrs Abbie H Whiting of CharlestonCorrected:Charlestown Mass said lease to commence on the Fifteenth day of January 1882.

In consideration whereof the said Mrs Mary B G Eddy hereby agrees to grant unto the said Edwin R Robbins the use of certain other household furniture free of charge, a schedule of which is hereunto annexed. Said furniture, or any part thereof to be returned to said Mrs Mary B G Eddy or her legal representative by said Edwin R Robbins at any time when called for, a reasonable notice thereof being given

in as good condition as when received reasonable wear excepted

In witness thereof they have hereunto interchangeably set their hands the day above written

Edwin R Robbins

Mary B. G. Eddy

In presence of

Alice M. Sibley.

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