Accession: L13503
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Eva Mayo, January 13, 1883
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Eva Mayo 
Scribe: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: January 13, 1883
Manuscript Description: Copy on lined paper of a letter by Mary Baker Eddy, in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mayo,


Mrs Mayo,

Your note bearing no dateEditorial Note: See document 324.44.004 is just receivedAs Written:recieved .

The letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. I sent was a hasty honest allusion to just what every reformer has met and will meet. My astonishment is that in Boston, where the antislavery question and other questions that pertain to the welfare of man, — one of its ancient Societies should give a call to a stranger to lecture before them, then wait until this public servant had prepared her notes under great difficulties for want of time and then summarily dismiss her with no cause, for the decision As Written: decission of the society should have been arrived at and due investigation been made before the request had been extended.

I have thus far sustained a causeEditorial Note: The Cause of Christian Science that is interesting the world, and have planted its success on my own individual character.

A cause that is Christian As Written: christian, the basis whereof rests on the broadest and highest ethics: the purest and most potent Christianity As Written: christianity of all the ages.

If you will accord me the justice that my own sex should haste to offer you will give me an opportunity As Written: oppertunity to disprove anything and everything that can hinder the success of Truth so vital to health and happiness as that which I teach and practice. The best of references As Written: refferences that can be given I can give you as to my fitness for the earnest and solemn mission of a reformer.

The proprietor or he who was formerly that of Wesleyan As Written: Weslyan Hall, knows some persons who know me well. One whom is Dr. N.G. Ladd of MaldenEditorial Note: Malden, Massachusetts.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

I am very truly
Mary B.G. Eddy

A true copy attest

C. A. Frye

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mayo,


Mrs Mayo,

Your note bearing no dateEditorial Note: See document 324.44.004 is just recievedCorrected:received .

The letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. I sent was a hasty honest allusion to just what every reformer has met and will meet. My astonishment is that in Boston, where the antislavery question and other questions that pertain to the welfare of man, — one of its ancient Societies should give a call to a stranger to lecture before them, then wait until this public servant had prepared her notes with under great difficulties for want of time and then summarily dismiss her with no cause, for the decission Corrected: decision of the society should have been arrived at and due investigation been made before the request had been extended.

I have thus far sustained a causeEditorial Note: The Cause of Christian Science that is interesting the world, and have planted its success on my own individual character.

A cause that is christian, Corrected: Christian the basis whereof rests on the broadest and highest ethics: the purest and most potent christianity Corrected: Christianity of all the ages.

If you will accord me the justice that my own sex should haste to offer you will give me an oppertunity Corrected: opportunity to disprove anything and everything that can hinder the success of Truth so vital to health and happiness as that which I teach and practice. The best of refferences Corrected: references that can be given I can give you as to my fitness for the earnest and solemn mission of a reformer.

The proprietor or he who was formerly that of Weslyan Corrected: Wesleyan Hall, knows some persons who know me well. One of whom is Dr. N.G. Ladd of MaldenEditorial Note: Malden, Massachusetts.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

I am very truly
Mary B.G. Eddy

A true copy attest

C. A. Frye

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See document 324.44.004 This letter is not extant. The Cause of Christian Science Malden, Massachusetts