Accession: L15739
Editorial Title: Asa Gilbert Eddy to George D. Choate and Clara E. Choate, June 23, 1878
Author: Asa Gilbert Eddy 
Recipient: George D. Choate  Clara E. Choate 
Date: June 23, 1878
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Asa Gilbert Eddy on lined paper.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. &. Mrs. Choate
Dear Students

DrEditorial Note: Edward J. Arens did not have an MD degree, but in the nineteenth century, those practicing various “healing arts” were often referred to as “Doctor.” Arens tells me that you found the newspapers containing the article that we desired and I accordingly forward you the money for them hoping that you will send them at the earliest convenience We have just been listening to the reading and explanation of the Scriptures by Mrs Eddy as is our wont to do on the Sabbath and from which we are refreshed; though the hour seems dark and the exertion of the wicked great yet in mercy and goodness will we abide ever knowing that the things of this world hath an end and that the reward of the faithful is sure let us hear from you often encourage the brethren and let us be one in the Lord

Yours Truly
A. G. Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mr. &. Mrs. Choate
Dear Students

DrEditorial Note: Edward J. Arens did not have an MD degree, but in the nineteenth century, those practicing various “healing arts” were often referred to as “Doctor.” Arens tells me that you found the newspapers containing the article that we desired and I accordingly forward you the money for them hoping that you will send them at the earliest convenience We have just been listening to the reading and explanation of the Scriptures by Mrs Eddy as is our wont to do on the Sabbath and from which we are refreshed; though the hour seems dark and the exertion of the wicked great yet in mercy and goodness will we abide ever knowing that the things of this world hath an end and that the reward of the faithful is sure let us hear from you often encourage the brethren and let us be one in the Lord

Yours Truly
A. G. Eddy
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Edward J. Arens did not have an MD degree, but in the nineteenth century, those practicing various “healing arts” were often referred to as “Doctor.”