Accession: L15789
Editorial Title: Asa Gilbert Eddy to Kate Barker, December 7, 1881
Author: Asa Gilbert Eddy 
Recipient: Kate Barker 
Date: December 7, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Asa Gilbert Eddy on lined embossed paper.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam

Yours of Nov 29th. Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. is before me and its contents are astounding but while it fills me with the deepest sentiment of sympathy I cannot consent to let my wife be troubled with the subject. She As Written: she is very sympathetic and has all now that is possible for her to attend to

I have seen some of the demonology you refer to but it cannot be Mr. Choate for I heard my wife say recently that he had spoken of you to her as a victim of the malpractitioners and was very anxious to cure youEditorial Note: See 025B.10.008 One of the most loathsome features of the malpractice you refer to is that the real villain conceals himself by making his victim believe another person is doing it. Choate does not understand this black art he never practiced it to our knowledge and if he had Mrs. Eddy would have found it out and expelled him from the Christian Scientist Association

The mesmerizer makes his victims believe he is perfect and some one else is afflicting them and if he can make them believe this he keeps them suffering. X

X Throw off this belief and you will master him

If Choate could do what you say, he could also make you believe he was not doing it, my wife abhors this cruelty and it worries her to know it so I shall keep it from her

Yours Respectfully
Asa G Eddy

Kate Barker



A correct copy As Written: copie by AGE

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam

Yours of Nov 29th. Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. is before me and its contents are astounding but while it fills me with the deepest sentiment of sympathy I cannot consent to let my wife be troubled with the subject. she Corrected: She is very sympathetic and has all now that is possible for her to attend to

I have seen some of the demonology you refer to but it cannot be Mr. Choate for I heard my wife say recently that he had spoken of you to her as a victim of the malpractitioners and was very anxious to cure youEditorial Note: See 025B.10.008 One of the most loathsome features of the malpractice you refer to is that the real villain conceals himself by making his victim believe another person is doing it. Choate does not understand this black art he never practiced it to our knowledge and if he had Mrs. Eddy would have found it out and expelled him from the Christian Scientist Association

The mesmerizer makes his victims believe he is perfect and some one else is afflicting them and if he can make them believe this he keeps them suffering. X

X Throw off this belief and you will master him

If Choate could do what you say, he could also make you believe he was not doing it, my wife abhors this cruelty and it worries her to know it so I shall keep it from her

Yours Respectfully
Asa G Eddy

Kate Barker



A correct copie Corrected: copy by AGE

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This letter is not extant. See 025B.10.008