Accession: L16199
Editorial Title: Calvin A. Frye, Julia S. Bartlett and Arthur T. Buswell to Mary Baker Eddy, December 26, 1882
Author: Calvin A. Frye  Julia S. Bartlett  Arthur T. Buswell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 26, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Calvin A. Frye on lined embossed yellow paper, with signatures in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye, Julia S. Bartlett, and Arthur T. Buswell.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
To the President of the Christian Scientists Association.

You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Christian Scientists Ass’n, for the purpose of initiating new members, hearing report of committee on dissenting members, &c.

Call for meeting As Written: meet.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
To the President of the Christian Scientists Association.

You are hereby requested to call a special meeting of the Christian Scientists Ass’n, for the purpose of initiating new members, hearing report of committee on dissenting members, &c.

Call for meet. Corrected: meeting

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