Accession: V00903
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Christian Scientist Association of Chicago, Illinois, October 11, 1885
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Christian Scientist Association of Chicago, Illinois 
Date: October 11, 1885 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Letterpress copy of a letter handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
To the President and Members of the C. S. A of ChicagoEditorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago, Illinois was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts.
My dear students and friends, –

I have only time to warn you of a conspiracy ripening to a final denouement, superinduced by the fiends, envy and malice, working though the method of silent mesmerism and audible falsehoods. Those that have been least suspected of treachery in the past and whom I have given no more cause to tell these falsehoods than those in the house with me who will contradict them, are on the warpathAs Written:war path in a new measure namely to appropriate Mr E. J. Smith once known as Col. Smith, but whom I am directly informed never had such an appointment – and Mrs: Hopkins to go in with Swarts– as [?] Unclear or illegible  or failing to make terms to appropriate wholly the periodical Tha [?] Unclear or illegible  shall be the organ for such as Choate, Arnes, Stuart, Newman, Silsbee and [?] Unclear or illegible  whom Animal magnetism have thoroughly demoralized. To make a feint of being on your side (we have found them out here) until they convert you to believe in them and blind you as to their motives and with regard to facts Why they, Mr. Smith and Mrs Hopkins are no longer assistant Editor or proprietor of the Chris. Sci. Journal you at present do not understand.

You my dear students whom I have taught know your teacher, and will you not stand by her in directing our causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. through this awful hour, for God has revealed As Written: reveald the battle's plan to me for this hour;– follow your leader and God will show her the way over the Red sea and through the wildernessEditorial Note: An account of these events is found in the book of Exodus in the Bible. and take her follower safely on

The article Mrs Hopkins wrote on Teachers of Christian ScienceEditorial Note: See article titled “Teachers of Metaphysics” by Emma Curtis Hopkins on pages 112-113 of the September 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal. was designed for others, for those mal practicing and malteaching – not to refer in any way to the members of either Association, as I understand it

The purpose of the enemy is to get up a periodical that will thrust at me whenever I uncover error, and it must be uncovered to destroy it. Now do not allow the secret influence that is at work, to suggest to your consciousness a single jealousy or distrust of one another here or in Chicago. "Hang, together or we shall hang separate, as FranklinEditorial Note: Benjamin Franklin said to the Colonists

Be careful to report not a word of this letter or the doings of your AssociationEditorial Note: The Chicago Christian Scientist Association was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association of Boston, Massachusetts. outside your meetings.

Patronize no other periodical than the Organ you now have, Communicate to this Mag all your grievances and they shall be published if it is best, and your teacher will consult your interest before her own, personally.

Beware of Mrs. Plunket she is a depraved woman. Also Mrs. Phelan, I hear is going back of her acknowledgements in the class. I evidently ran a risk in taking them into my class; but my dear students I did it from a sense of duty hoping to lift them above all wrong – and God has rewarded this motive by one of them hastening through her insults to me my discovery – of a plot Mrs – somebody'sAs Written:some body's treachery and Mr –Somebody'sAs Written:Some body's plot either to utilize, or to further rob our Mag. that is doing strong work against error. I must close. God guide you.

Your loving leader
M B G Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
To the President and Members of the C. S. A of ChicagoEditorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago, Illinois was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts.
My dear students and friends, –

I have only time to warns you of a conspiracy ripening to a final denouement, superinduced by the fiends, envy and malice, working though the method of silent mesmerism and audible falsehoods. Those that have been least suspected of treachery in the past and whom I have given no more cause to tell these falsehoods than those in the house with me who will contradict them, are on the war pathCorrected:warpath in a new measure namely to appropriate Mr E. J. Smith once known as Col. Smith, but whom I am directly informed never had such an appointment – and Mrs: Hopkins to go in with Swarts– as [?] Unclear or illegible  or failing to make terms to appropriate wholly the periodical Tha [?] Unclear or illegible  shall be the organ for such as Choate, Arnes, Stuart, Newman, Silsbee and [?] Unclear or illegible  whom M Animal magnetism have thoroughly demoralized. To make a feint of being on your side (we have found them out here) until they convert you to believe in them and blind you as to their motives and with regard to the facts of Why they, Mr. Smith and Mrs Hopkins are no longer assistant Editor or proprietor of the Chris. Sci. Journal you at present do not understand.

You my dear students whom I have taught know your teacher, and will you not stand by her in directing our causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. through this awful hour, for God has reveald Corrected: revealed the battle's plan to me for this hour;– follow your leader and God will show her the way over the Red sea and through the wildernessEditorial Note: An account of these events is found in the book of Exodus in the Bible. and take her follower safely on

The article Mrs Hopkins wrote on Teachers of Christian ScienceEditorial Note: See article titled “Teachers of Metaphysics” by Emma Curtis Hopkins on pages 112-113 of the September 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal. was designed for others, for those mal practicing and malteaching – not to refer in any way to these members of either aAssociation, as I understand it

The purpose of the enemy is to get up a periodical that will thrust at me whenever I uncover error, and it must be uncovered to destroy it. Now do not allow the secret influence that is at work, to suggest to your consciousness a single jealousy or distrust of one another here or in Chicago. "Hang, together or we shall hang separate, as FranklinEditorial Note: Benjamin Franklin said to the Colonists

Be careful to report not a word of this letter or the doings of your AssociationEditorial Note: The Chicago Christian Scientist Association was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association of Boston, Massachusetts. outside your meetings.

Patronize no other periodical than the Organ you now have, Communicate to this Mag all your grievances and they shall be published if it is best, and your teacher will consult your interest before her own, personally.

Beware of Mrs. Plunket she is a depraved woman. Also Mrs. Phelan, I hear is going back of her acknowledgements in the class. I evidently made ran a risk in taking them into my class; but my dear students I did it from a sense of duty hoping to lift them above all wrong – and God has rewarded this motive by one of them hastening through her insults to me my discovery – of a plot Mrs – some body'sCorrected:somebody's treachery and Mr –Some body'sCorrected:Somebody's plot either to utilize, her or to further rob our Mag. that is doing strong work against error. I must close. God guide you.

Your loving leader
M B G Eddy
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The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago, Illinois was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. The cause of Christian Science. An account of these events is found in the book of Exodus in the Bible. See article titled “Teachers of Metaphysics” by Emma Curtis Hopkins on pages 112-113 of the September 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal. Benjamin Franklin The Chicago Christian Scientist Association was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association of Boston, Massachusetts.