Your favor of the 13thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. receivedAs Written:rec'd also the papers.”
We are indeed happy in this glorious field of labor; not that we have many patients; that is not what we labor for, but to spread the “good news”.
Do you know my teacher: I feel I have discovered what I am good for in Science;Editorial Note: Christian Science at least I take more pleasure in it than in aught else: not teaching a class, nor healing; but telling others of the “good news”; circulating Journals, introducing the S&H,Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and preparing the way for you, forming a class for you.
Of course I like to demonstrate, but I have such a strong desire to talk it; and when I am fully prepared; be it one, or two years hence; may God lead me according to his wisdom.
How little Mr Buswell, or Mrs Silsbee know of us; I care not who sells S&H,Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. only that they push it to the front. If my name is an obstacle to Mr B or Mrs S- doing good work in Truth, let it be removed. Anything I or Mrs Sawyer can do to relieve you do not hesitate to call upon me. We were a little surprised at Mrs Silsbee’s action, for I have always urged her to put the bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. forward, and when we sold any divided the profit with her.
Mr Buswell did not make that request of his own thought. We tooAs Written:to can feel Mrs S- work here, but hope and pray she may be led of Truth.
TodayAs Written:To day begins the eighth lesson, beginning with “You speak of belief Etc.” I know I have helped Mrs Brady, very much, and the others also acknowledge that, “they did not suppose there was so much to Metaphysics,” and I all the time feel I have told them so little.
I know, and feel the Truth is present, but O, I do not grasp it clearly as I wish; and so very many times, could I but step in and ask you a single question, it seems as though it would make it so much easier: then I think would that be helping my teacher in her work: I put myselfAs Written:my self into Science,Editorial Note: Christian Science begin to read the “book,Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.” and very soon light breaks in, but I can assure you the ray, is not as broad as I could wish.
It is indeed well to know who are friends to Science,Editorial Note: Christian Science and who false, because “ not all are Israel who are of Israel.Rom 9:6 Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: ”
We do glory in this one thing, that in the midst of our most discouraging struggles, never a moment have we had a doubt of our teacher, or Truth, and that glory was not of ourselves, but of the fact that we had by your teachings been enabled to relieve a little of the sufferings of others.
God is working with us, for I had some evidence of it today. I had heard of Mr Morrill of Chicago, through your mention of him first, afterward that he was an honest sincere worker after the Arens Method. I have desired to make his acquaintance, with a view of his becoming a student of yours when you come. I have thought, how I could approach him: todays mail brings a letter from him, inquiring about Science,Editorial Note: Christian Science “that you referred him to me.” also asking me to call and see him. He of course practices in the mistaken way the ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman taught him. He “inquires of the practical As Written: practicle results of our lists of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science on stubborn cases since our return.” How happy I am to be able to reply, of the two cases my wife has healed, belief of diseased bone nearly ready to discharge, but particularly the spinal curvature case: twelve years standing, took forty treatments of Mrs Silsbee no help, and now most singular to relate, in forty treatments by my wife, is healed of spinal curvature, also a belief of deafness in one ear has nearly disappeared.
Great interest is being manifested in Oconomowoc, 25 miles from here, where Mrs Spaulding, the lady with the belief of diseased bone (three years standing,) resides, - in the science: We are As Written: a almost sure of some students for you as the result of that case.
Events seem to be crowding forward, and it seems as though I ought to be taking some practical As Written: practicle steps to prepare for your coming. Mr Morrill is expecting assistance from ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman on their return, seems anxious for light himself, and I wish it might be possible to form a class so you could come in about a month from date. These are only suggestions: for your consideration for I am always confident, in your decision upon any suggestion of mine, that wisdom is guiding. I apprehend though that by the time you reply to this, and send me the Call Circulars; it will be time to begin active operations. Then as soon as you can say for a certainty, how early you can be here, I can then begin forming, or rather open a correspondence with those I can count upon. I expect it will be slow, and more difficult, as we have to keep it so quiet.
This plan suggests itself: - I will write those I know, and those also who may have written you, if you will give me their addresses, that “I am authorized by Mrs Eddy to form a class for her in the west, which she will come and teach providing I can get a sufficient number” In that way I can leave the date unmentioned: of course I should request them to observe silence that a class was being formed.
Why Mrs Eddy: if I should announce publically, you were coming, I could gather you a very large class, I am sure. I hope, and know the time will soon come, that it will not be necessary to keep your movements secret from those Mals, Only get a strong nucleus formed in the west; then we can trample such Errors under our feet, and keep them down.
Being sure that we are in Truth always and if God be for us who can be against us.Rom 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
Should it be any more difficult to heal outside your class, where you are teaching. I do not make as rapid progress with Mr Atkins of Chicago, as I had expected, and the thought arose, perhaps there was the difficulty. Again I may be too anxious, I cannot drop my patients from thought, for sometimes my mind reverts to them during class. I count on Mr Atkins for a pupil for you, and I must remove that belief of dropsy very soon.
I have taken no side issue for cause in his case I assure you, for I am sure it is the work of the Mals. He responded quickly at first, but for a week has been confined to his bed. I am not discouraged, and now work against any relapse or discouragement on his, or his friend’s As Written: friends part.
I enclose on a slip of paper an address to which Mrs Brady wishes the Journal (I ordered sent her) directed to. it seems Mrs Silsbee had subscribed for Mrs Brady previous to this.
I do not expect a reply to this until you are prepared to give it the necessary attention, but please send me the Call Circulars as early as possible.
Mrs Sawyer trusts you will not consider her as at all wishing to injure Mrs Silsbee, in the letterEditorial Note: See 237B.38.043 she sent you a couple days since, she only desired you to be prepared for what is liable to occur on Mrs Silsbee’s return.
I made a mistake, Mrs Sawyer says she only gave 23 treatments in the case of Spinal Curvature.