Upon reconsideration, I thought best to have the name College, substituted for Institute, for the reason, there are numerous curative establishments here, all having signs out, and advertising as Institutes.
Again upon looking over the copy of the Ads – I find I have directed the address to 119 Wisconsin St, which I intend should be to 809 Grand Av, our residence.
As I had sent the Ads to you first, I thought best to send you notice of the change of name also; please excuse troubling you about the business this time, hereafter, we will send it to the proper ones.
Will you please hand the Enclosed change to Mrs Crosse, and as soon as I receive her bill for the Ads, will forwardAs Written:for’d the amountAs Written:am’t, also some cash for subscriptions for Journal.
Were it not to occupy so much of your time, I would like you to see some letters I have received from numerous parties, you would say there was indeed a necessity, for the Christian’s – Scientists to arouse themselves. It is painfulAs Written:painfull to behold so many, using the powers of mind for money getting only, and call themselves, Metaphysicians and Christian Scientists, some of them.
It is well to charge for services rendered, and most will appreciate your work; if you do, but I know I derived more satisfaction and enjoyment, in an exhibition of faith, by a cripple in my office a few days since; I talked with her a little, and sold her a copy of “Science & Health”Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. when she remarked “I do not see why I cannot heal myself, reading those books, for I believe every word you have said about them”.
I am watching her progress with great interest, for I believe she will succeed.
I must beg pardon, for omitting in my other letter, that Mrs Sawyer joins in love to you; She is growing, and doing good work.
Have I mentioned our weekly parlor talks, which we commenced some months since, they are growing in interest, the students occasionally bring a stranger; in and the seed sown often takes root in them.
Our friends in OcontoEditorial Note: Oconto, Wisconsin are doing glorious work, two of them, Mrs Milledge & Miss Byer, made us quite a visit, and it would do you good to hear them advocate Christian Science.