Accession: 243.39.014
Editorial Title: Arthur T. Buswell to Asa Gilbert Eddy and Mary Baker Eddy, December 22, 1881
Author: Arthur T. Buswell 
Recipient: Asa Gilbert Eddy  Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 22, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Arthur T. Buswell on printed stationery of the Board of Associated Charities of Cincinnati, Ohio, from Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Doctor and Mrs. Eddy;

Your very interesting double letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. came to hand today, and one, also, from "Mrs. H. E. Day, of 779 Tremont Street BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts", asking the prospectus of work in the Queen CityEditorial Note: Cincinnati, Ohio.

I have recently received a kind letter from Dr. Todd of NewburyportEditorial Note: Newburyport, Massachusetts, and one from our faithful friend Hanover P. Smith, of Boston, explaining the present status of fermenting mind in the East.

Of course I have had struggles with the evil one and possibly always shall in this phase of life but I am more and more anxious to grow in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I feel a deep interest in your labors and would gladly do more for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.. I cannot, however, quite understand how such general confusion in our ranks can be caused by a few individuals. If it was a lucrative business for them it would seem more reasonable. I have explicit faith in our leader and consider her love and labor as divine.

I sincerely hope you will send some student, or come yourselves, into the Western world. And now the poor are rapping As Written: wrapping at my front door, and with much love I bid you adieu. A. T. Buswell.

Hoping to hear from you often and much, and desiring to be a humble though efficient worker in the "Cause of Causes."

I am,
your loving student,
Arthur T. Buswell.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Doctor and Mrs. Eddy;

Your very interesting double letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. came to hand today, and one, also, from "Mrs. H. E. Day, of 779 Tremont Street BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts", asking the prospectus of work in the Queen CityEditorial Note: Cincinnati, Ohio.

I have recently received a kind letter from Dr. Todd of NewburyportEditorial Note: Newburyport, Massachusetts, and one from our faithful friend Hanover P. Smith, of Boston, explaining the present status of fermenting mind in the East.

Of course I have had struggles with the evil one and possibly always shall in this phase of life but I am more and more anxious to grow in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I feel a deep interest in your labors and would gladly do more for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.. I cannot, however, quite understand how such general confusion in our ranks can be caused by a few individuals. If it was a lucriative business for them it would seem more reasonable. I have explicit faith in our leader and consider her love and labor as deivine.

I sincerely hope you will send some student, or come yourselves, into the Western world. And now the poor are wrapping Corrected: rapping at my front door, and with much love I bid you adieu. A. T. Buswell.

Hoping to hear from you often and much, and desiring to be a humble though efficient worker in the "Cause of Causes."

I am,
your loving student,
Arthur T. Buswell.
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Cincinnati, Ohio This letter is not extant. Boston, Massachusetts Cincinnati, Ohio Newburyport, Massachusetts Christian Science The cause of Christian Science.