Accession: 250.40.003
Editorial Title: D. Russell Ambrose to Mary Baker Eddy, August 30, 1880
Author: D. Russell Ambrose 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 30, 1880
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by D. Russell Ambrose from Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Editorial Note: Ambrose, a cousin of Mary Baker Eddy's, acknowledges receiving from Eddy a copy of her lecture, "Christian Healing." He says he read it with much attentiveness and interest, although the principles Eddy expounds in it are far above his comprehension. He writes that only facts directly observable by him would be likely to result in his conversion. It appears to him that Eddy teaches that all the laws of nature must be superseded or else become entirely subject to man's control, thus making man omnipotent. However, he says he doesn't want to criticize, as he had detected in Eddy restiveness and impatience when he made some criticisms of the ideas in her book, Science and Health. Ambrose says he did not write to Eddy before now because he was not sure exactly where she was living at the time, possibly in Lynn or Boston. He comments on how she is "feeding [her] flock of hungry Scientists" in Boston. He also recalls trying to call on Eddy at her Lynn, Massachusetts, home at 8 Broad Street and not even being invited in out of the rain by the young woman who answered the door. He mentions trying to get information about Eddy from her sister, Abigail Tilton, whom he encountered at the funeral of his brother, Thomas, in Concord, New Hampshire, but that Tilton was unable to provide any information. Thomas did not have a will, and so his estate went to his two children, with his two brothers receiving nothing. Ambrose continues with discussions of the weather, the conditions of crops, and severe illness in members of his family, including his wife. His wife expressed a desire for him to marry again after her death, and Ambrose writes of her care for him and her many good qualities. He feels that he does not have many more years to live, but hopes they will be peaceful and useful.
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