Accession: 352.48.003
Editorial Title: Abigail Tilton to Mary Baker Eddy, August 22, 1880
Author: Abigail Tilton 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 22, 1880
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Abigail Tilton on unlined paper from Tilton, New Hampshire.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
Editorial Note: This letter concerns the Baker family lots in Park Cemetery, Tilton, New Hampshire. Abigail Tilton wants to buy Mary Baker Eddy's share in these lots and thus control all of the lots that haven't been taken by other family members. Or, she is willing to have Eddy control them all. Tilton has paid all the assessments that were due on the lots.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyMrs AbigailAs Written:Abagail Tilton
Dear Sister

TodayAs Written:To-day, Sunday, I received your letter from ConcordEditorial Note: Concord, New Hampshire & as you said nothing about the time you should leave the City & lest you should soon be gone, I write a few lines hoping you will get it before you return to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts. I wish to relieve your anxiety with regard to my health by telling you, I am up- have attended Church todayAs Written:to-day & taken my class in the Sabbath School. Had I been able while you were here, I wished to talk with you about the undivided lots in the Cemetery which my Father left to Brother Samuel & his three Daughters. When my Brother's Wife built her Monument she took what she considered her share & said, she was satisfied. Mr Tilton bought Mrs Pilsbury's share before he died for $15, fifteen dollarsEditorial Note: $15 is equivalent to $430.38 in 2022., so, that, I own all that remains except yours & am ready to buy yours if you wish to sell. I have paid all the assessments due on these lots since Mr Tilton died & some due long before he died. I should much prefer to own the whole or have you- then I can control the lots or you can. Please decide & let me know! If you are in Concord you will get this, Tomorrow, if not, I have forgotten your number, I remember the StreetAs Written:Str. Please answer, at once, if you are in Concord, visit me when you come here again

Yours affectionately-
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyMrs AbagailCorrected:Abigail Tilton
Dear Sister

To-dayCorrected:Today, Sunday, I received your letter from ConcordEditorial Note: Concord, New Hampshire & as you said nothing about the time you should leave the City & lest you should soon be gone, I write a few lines hoping you will get it before you return to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts. I wish to relieve your anxiety with regard to my health by telling you, I am up- have attended Church to-dayCorrected:today & taken my class in the Sabbath School. Had I been able while you were here, I wished to talk with you about the undivided lots in the Cemetery which my Father left to Brother Samuel & his three Daughters. When my Brother's Wife built her Monument she took what she considered her share & said, she was satisfied. Mr Tilton bought Mrs Pilsbury's share before he died for $15, fifteen dollarsEditorial Note: $15 is equivalent to $430.38 in 2022., so, that, I own all that remains except yours & am ready to buy yours if you wish to sell. I have paid all the assess [?] Unclear or illegible ments due on these lots since Mr Tilton died & some due long before he died. I should much prefer to own the whole or have you- then I can control the lots or you can. Please decide & let me know! If you are in Concord you will get this, Tomorrow, if not, I have forgotten your number, I remember the StrExpanded:Street. Please answer, at once, if you are in Concord, visit me when you come here again

Yours affectionately-
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Tilton, New Hampshire Concord, New Hampshire Boston, Massachusetts $15 is equivalent to $430.38 in 2022.