Accession: 503.56.006
Editorial Title: Caroline M. Poor to Mary Baker Eddy, March 12, 1882
Author: Caroline M. Poor 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 12, 1882
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Caroline M. Poor on lined paper from Charlestown, Massachusetts.
Editorial Note: Poor begins by expressing gratitude for Mary Baker Eddy's excellent letter (not extant), dated March 9, 1882. Eddy had asked about Poor's sister, Mrs. Ripley, and Poor reports much progress in her sister's case. Mrs. Ripley, for the first time in two and a half years, walked up a flight of sixteen stairs. Nonetheless, there are still many false beliefs in the case to be overcome. Poor asks Eddy not to expect too much of her. She is trying to reach a high ideal, and if she falls short, at least she can be honest, sincere, and true, even if she can't work miracles. A cross she has to bear is conducting Sunday church services for the Church of Christ (Scientist). This is something she is not used to doing and she feels she doesn't understand Christian Science well enough to explain it or answer questions. At last Sunday's church service there were 22 present, and they stayed afterwards to talk. Julia S. Bartlett and Abbie K. Whiting are having Friday evening meetings and bringing about interest in Christian Science in their neighborhoods. Poor reports on the activities of some other Christian Science students, including a dentist who is so busy with his dental practice that he doesn't have time to do much Christian Science healing. He has, however, given Christian Science treatment to some, with success. Poor speaks of Clara E. Choate's untiring efforts on behalf of Christian Science. But Choate apparently is conducting Christian Science services that are in competition with those being held in Charlestown. Consequently, not as many people are attending services in Charlestown. But Poor says that what the Charlestown group lacks in numbers, they try to make up for in zeal. Poor has sold two more copies of Mary Baker Eddy's book, Science and Health.
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