Jan 25th
Yours just receivedEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. I feel sorry to chill your hope when you need help so much and I never saw the time before when I could do as little for a student All that I have sent but one to Arens has never gone to him It is the public lie that affects us besides the mesmerism The cases I named I have learned to day have gone or are going to Mrs. PotterEditorial Note: Probably Charlotte K. Potter of Chelsea and Chelsea is a hard blue Methodist place I do not feel satisfied that your husband could start there But the meeting of the AssociationEditorial Note: Christian Scientists Association will be here next week Thursday and then we may have a chance to hear something for you
I will write at once to DrEditorial Note: We have no evidence that Todd had a medical degree, but in the nineteenth century, persons practicing various “healing arts” were often referred to as “Doctor.” Todd was probably called “Doctor” because he was practicing Christian Science healing. Todd at Rowley and learn if S― has left Newburyport and see if Todd wont interest himself to get you patients
I think he could do it O how I wish I could see the brotherly love that ought to exist between my students I would bear th e malice of some of them towards me cheerfully if only the others were a unit
But before mesmerism began in our ranks 7 years ago my students all loved each other and me and there was not a discordant tone Todd wrote me he had more than he could attend to now perhaps he will help another
Do not my dear ones be again disappointed by what I say for perhaps I shall not succeed
Will write as soon as I get reply if you are not here before it