I had looked for you but you did not come Thursday, and so have had my picture boxed where no one can see it. The pictureEditorial Note: Image referred to is likely one by W. C. Bowers. Copies of this image in the Library collection are dated from 1866-1876. Eaton did a crayon copy of this image, which is also included in our collection. like its original is alone in this age I have the photograph whence it was copied and Mrs. Eaton of NorridgewokEditorial Note: Norridgewock, Maine Me. Teacher of the High School copied it with crayon You can get one made if you wish from the same picture Enclosed find the interest on your Bank stock and do not expend your money but lay it up. Remember this, there is a time not far off in which you will need it and wish you had done so
I hope my dear Student that you will do well and prosper. I have sacrificed much for you willingly and my endorsement has held you from the prey at times. Now never forget in prosperity the friends you had in adversity Let the church work together and not separate Let each who can, take a part, and be not weary in well doingGal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. and God will help you
N. B.Editorial Note: Nota Bene If you could look into my heart I should be glad If you could see my patient faith my lonely zeal my unselfish love then would you know what a thing it is to suffer and be strong "If you love me you will keep my commandments"John 14:15 ¶If ye love me, keep my commandments.
All the paper I have unpacked