Accession: L15511
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy, July 22, 1880
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 22, 1880
Manuscript Description: Printed form for forming a corporation with blanks filled in by Mary Baker Eddy and also an unknown hand. At the end is a list of signatures.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

The agreement of association shall set forth the fact that the subscribers thereto associate themselves with the intention to establish a corporation, the name by which the corporation shall be known, the purpose for which the corporation is constituted, the town or city, which town or city shall be in this CommonwealthEditorial Note: Massachusetts, in which it is established or located, in case it shall have a capital stock, the amount of its capital stock, and the par value and number of its shares, and such par value may be either twenty-five, fifty, or one hundred dollars.—Acts of 1874, Ch. 375, Sect. 3.

We, whose names are hereto subscribed, do, by this agreement, associate ourselves with the intention to constitute a Corporation according to the provisions of the three hundred and seventy-fifth chapter of the Acts of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, approved June twenty-seventh in said year, and the Acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto.

The name by which the Corporation shall be known is

The Massachusetts Metaphysical College.

The purpose for which the Corporation is constituted is

To teach Pathology, Ontology, Therapeutics, Moral Science, Metaphysics, and their adaptation to the treatment of disease.

The place within which the Corporation is established or located is the City of Boston within said Commonwealth.

The amount of its Capital Stock is—dollars.

The par value of its shares is—dollars.

The number of its shares is—

In Witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, this twenty sixth second day of July in the year eighteen hundred and eighty.

Mary B G Eddy

Charles J. Eastman

James C. Howard

Edgar S. Woodbury

Hanover P. Smith

Hugh Hart

Henry L. Bancroft.



Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

The agreement of association shall set forth the fact that the subscribers thereto associate themselves with the intention to establish a corporation, the name by which the corporation shall be known, the purpose for which the corporation is constituted, the town or city, which town or city shall be in this CommonwealthEditorial Note: Massachusetts, in which it is established or located, in case it shall have a capital stock, the amount of its capital stock, and the par value and number of its shares, and such par value may be either twenty-five, fifty, or one hundred dollars.—Acts of 1874, Ch. 375, Sect. 3.

We, whose names are hereto subscribed, do, by this agreement, associate ourselves with the intention to constitute a Corporation according to the provisions of the three hundred and seventy-fifth chapter of the Acts of the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, approved June twenty-seventh in said year, and the Acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto.

The name by which the Corporation shall be known is

The Massachusetts Metaphysical College.

The purpose for which the Corporation is constituted is

To teach Pathology, Ontology, Therapeutics, Moral Science, Metaphysics, and their adaptation to the treatment of disease.

The place within which the Corporation is established or located is the City of Boston within said Commonwealth.

The amount of its Capital Stock is—dollars.

The par value of its shares is—dollars.

The number of its shares is—

In Witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands, this twenty sixth second day of Junely in the year eighteen hundred and eighty.

Mary B G Eddy

Charles J. Eastman

James C. Howard

Edgar S. Woodbury

Hanover P. Smith

Hugh Hart

Henry L. Bancroft.



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